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I am here for Friends

About Me

Ok here I am in the flesh. I am very outgoing, spontaneous, jealous free, pshyco free, care free loving and caring individual. I take no shit from no one...cept I usually give to much to the men that are blessed to have me fall in love with them. I dispise fake people, the shower curtain open, gospel music, being betrayed, people that give up, windy days and going with the grain. I love my friends, the gym, softball, the occasional soccer game, sunny days on the beach, a campfire, pbr and my closest family, I LOVE MUSIC...everything...cept I can tear it up in a mash pit or chill with a margarita to jimmy buffet. I'll rock out to journey, stevie wonder, hank williams and johnny cash. Not to mention 2 pac biggie and the rest....must say tho Jack Johnson is the only man with my heart at the moment!! LOL I'm funny as hell and dont give two shits what people think. I've learned alot from a recent relationship that has put me back to a place where i remember being me and comfortable with that. Screw being a prissy bitch. I love just being me....a little rough around the edges...but Im more dam loyal and trusting than i care to admit...for some reason i know everyone's deepest darkest secrets...and i'll take them to my grave guys so don worry ;). I'm not hard to please...the littlest thing amuses me. But I swear your ass will get a beat down if you disrespect me or someone I care about! I love to go out and have a grand ole time...dancin....livin it up...and I love strange random adventures. I'm a total guys girl with a heart of gold...but in some cases i have no soul....I frown upon people that judge...and i'm happy to have the greatest effing friends in the whole world. That's it...if you need to know anything else!??? ask might get a response! :)

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My Interests

Come down and support the local band scene!! Drown Mary Holotype, Culling the Weak AND BURY ME DEEP! Saturday June 28th @ Jimmy Z's in Everett, WA!!!! you can be a loser and not come! :P

I'd like to meet:




can't express enough how much i love muzik!! aerosmith, beastie boys, cars, doors, everlast, frank sinatra, gravenloch, himsa, ice cube, jack johnson, kenny chesney, ludacris, mariah carey, nelly, offspring, pantera, queen, rianna, steve miller, timberland, uncle al, vaniella ice, weezer, xibit, ying yang twins, zebrahead


i love comedies mostly. ;) but i like to get down with the marvel flicks and great classic like the goonies, big, caddy shack...o god...and so much more....dude...flight of the navigator is the shizzzit!!


house, greys anatomy, scrubs and southpark...i can pretty much watch those shows over and over...


im not much of a novel reader. I wish i could be.....but it just puts me to sleep it's werid...however i love in touch and cosmo! ;P


my one true hero is myself. with out me...i wouldn't be here..and of course my wonderful beatiful aunt gail...she's been more of a mom and support forever...I love you!!

My Blog

My top friends!!!

Kelly Belly - It would be really hard to get thru this thing called life with out a friend like you.  Thank you for always being behind the scenes of my sanity ;) Joshika - You are one of my best...
Posted by yergeystein on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:13:00 PST

What is your definition of soul mate?

&A true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows youeverything that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your ownattention so you can change your life.  A true soul mate is probabl...
Posted by yergeystein on Tue, 06 May 2008 08:02:00 PST

perfectly grounded

Perfectly grounded&perfectly fucked up In this chaotic world. ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  Just need to have the blood from my enemies in my pocket ...
Posted by yergeystein on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 11:58:00 PST

goin surfin!

So my whole life i have always wanted to go surfing.  for some reason i just never found the time...or the money...or anyone that really wanted to go with me or knew where to go.  WELP in li...
Posted by yergeystein on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:29:00 PST

lesson learned

So i have had quite a bit of reality in the last couple days.  I have realized that no matter how much you love someone...if you aren't happy...let it go.  It could feel like the hardest thi...
Posted by yergeystein on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:50:00 PST

stolen blog..but it's perfect

So I stole this blog...i know...what a horrible myspace thing to do when everything is public! LOL  Anyway - in my current course in life i think this paragraph fits in more than perfectly.... &n...
Posted by yergeystein on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 12:43:00 PST

going back to blonde

That's it...just wanted to let all know that I'm choppin it and going back to blonde!  I got my hair caught in a doorway the other day and i thought to myself...maybe it's too long!  so...
Posted by yergeystein on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 08:03:00 PST


once upon a time i thought i could be happy in the most simplist of ways.  Then I realized it's not worth it to be happy in someone else's life.  I realized to late that you have to create a...
Posted by yergeystein on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 04:00:00 PST


JIMMINY CRICKETS!!! Man!! I just don't know if I am going to be picked...I have seen some more of the competition...oh well it was fun.. if I make it to the Main Event I will just have fun with it and...
Posted by yergeystein on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:06:00 PST


ok...i took this weird test to test my humor and it came out like this:   the Idiot Savant (28% dark, 73% spontaneous, 63% vulgar) your humor style:VULGAR | SPONTANEOUS | LIGHT You like thi...
Posted by yergeystein on Sun, 26 Mar 2006 12:32:00 PST