Imran profile picture


Fool me once Shame on you......Fool me twice Shame on me....

About Me

Well i am from a place called Pune in India...........i am a happy go lucky person......... i am 5 ft. 11in. tall and have an athletic build.......... my friends say that i do have an absolutely no sence of humor.............. but i disagree with them..........well ask me what ever u wanna know and i would be happy to answer ur questions for you...i like to meet new people....PLEASE..........DO NOT ADD ME TO YOUR LIST JUST TO SWELL THE NUMBERS OF YOUR FRIENDS LIST...........I LIKE TO GET TO KNOW THE PEOPLE ON MY LIST.......

My Interests

I like to read.... drive arround on my bike........ shooting........ horse riding......... trecking..........hiking......... camping in the great outdoors........ i am also a stamp and coin collector......watching movies is a great time pass and i also love to listen to some slow and soft music...........

I'd like to meet:

Well i am just lookin to make friends with who so ever wants to be friends..... i have no inhibitions about religion or colour or sect........I DO NOT BELIEVE IN SECTERIANISM.......... i am open to anyone who would like to be friends with guys or girls who would not mind being friends with me are always welcome...............JUST THAT DONT ADD ME TO YOUR LIST IF UR LOOKIN TO INCREASE YOUR FRIENDS COUNT....I PREFER TO BE IN TOUCH WITH EVERYONE ON MY LIST.....thanks......


well i like to listen to classical music............ slow and soft music.......... Yaani....... Abba......... Shania Twain........ are great............. but i mostly like some indiviul numbers by many individuals............ask me some time i'll tell u ............


Great movies on my list include......... Gone with the wind........... Guns of Naverone.......... Where Eagles Dare.......... Dirty Dozen......... Schindlers list....... Last of the Mohicans......... Hunt for the Red October........ Laurence of Arabia........ The Patriot....... Gladiator....... Brave Heart........ A few Good Men..... Sleepless in Seattle..... The Great Escape..... The lion of the Desert...... Crimson Tide......... ALL THE STAR WARS MOVIES....... All Disney Animation Movies...... All the " JAMES BOND" movies.... All Comedy Movies i wouldnt mind watching again and again.....


I like Sitcoms such as "Will and Grace", "The KIng of Queens" etc........ Fraiser and Every body Loves Ramond are two exceptional programmes........ i also like to watch a lot of Nat Geo. and Discovery Channel...........


Books on World History interst me a lot............ also on the World war one and two are of great interest to me.........i also read a lot of JEFFREY ARCHER CHARLES DICKENS is also a great author to read.......... WILLIAM SHAKESPERE needs a lott of understanding........... i find it difficult to read but do try..............i also read a lot of MYSTERY like Sir Arthur Connan Doyle........also autobiographies and biographies interst me