Peace profile picture



About Me

This profile is for peace, if you believe in peace and its place in this world, be a friend and tell your friends about peace. Once you befriend peace, try to bring it into the world around you.

My Interests

Be good to yourself and those around you, for that is what makes life worth living-------- When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix

I'd like to meet:

This Holiday season give the greatest gift there is, Love. Give it to everyone you know, and everyone you don't. Be it a simple smile, hug, conversation or anything else you can come up with, it will bring joy to those who receive and who give. And give love to those who are in need! There is a short list in my comments of some charitable organizations and their websites you can donate to, donating in someone's name makes a great gift! Post this as a bulliten and try to get all of your friends to do the same (add the charities and any charities that you know). Together, we can make this holiday season the best the world has ever known.


"I do not seek redemption from the consequences of my sin. I seek to be redeemed from sin itself . . . Until i have attained that end, I shall be content to be restless." Mahatma Gandhi


Everyone should go to everyday, it is a website that allows you to give food to the needy just by clicking on a link. Sponsors give food for every click so you have to pay no money. Please click here everyday.