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Skin Deep

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I have a great life. I have some of the most creative, giving, compassionate and beautiful friends. I love my family. I love my friends. I love my scotch. I love to try new things. I'm petrified of being alone in the dark I DESPISE clowns.


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My Interests

Tattoos, piercings, reading, writing, HUGE David Mack (Kabuki) fan, spending time with the few friends i have, scotch on the rocks, hustling at pool, sky diving, parasailing, HIBACHI (uh...filet mignon skewers? HELL YEA)and but of course, spending time with the man who would die by chopstick for me and sporadically uses impressive, 25-cent-worthy words--the one who makes everything seem more possible...

Photography by Lorenzo Golia

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who is genuine and has a good spirit. Romantically, speaking, i've got everything i need... ;) ..


Radiohead, Tool, The Skels, Dropkick Murphys, Dropbox, Saint Caine, Strung Out, Hudson Falcons, Morissey, Tricky, Deftones, Alice in Chains, Slightly Stoopid, OTEP, Jeff Buckley, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Sigur Ros, Pixies, The French Kicks, Beatles, White Stripes, Modest Mouse, System of a Down, Smashing Pumpkins, Korn, Kittie, Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, Stabbing Westward, NIN, Rage Against the Machine, Prodigy, Blood for Blood, Transplants, Blind Melon, Pretty Girls Make Graves,Fall of Troy, Alkaline Trio, Custom, N.E.R.D., Biggie, Nirvana, Foo Fighters, MXPX, Miles Davis, Placebo, Autolux, BB King, Guns N Roses, Weezer, Sublime, Pearl Jam, Bjork, Pink Floyd, Bob Marley, Kid Dynamite,G. Love and Special Sauce, Swollen Members, My Chemical Romance, and my baby singing those sweet tunes during long car rides....pretty much everything except for country.


Waking Life, Donnie Darko, Vanilla Sky, Boondock Saints, Death to Smoochy, Lord of the Rings I,II,and III, Sin City, 300, House of Flying Daggers, Memento, Pulp Fiction, Clerks, Mall Rats, Natural Born Killers, Half-baked, High Fidelity, Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail, Matrix (1st one), Fight Club, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Alice in Wonderland, Labrynth, Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2, Battle Royale, Blow, Edward Scissorhands, Snatch, Dumb and Dumber, Run Lola Run, Pump Up the Volume, Super Troopers, Shrek I and II, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Corpse Bride, any movie featuring muppets, Blade II, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Romeo and Juliet, Forrest Gump, Pirates of the Carribean I and II, V for Vendetta, The Illusionist, The Prestige, Kids, Requiem for a Dream...


Absolute CSI Las Vegas junkee (thanks to the combination of Mr. T owning the first 6 seasons, Wally's sandwhiches, sake, and naptime intermissions) ---Even without all the fluff, CSI is awesome...LOVE LOVE LOVE Family Guy and South Park, Nip Tuck and The Shield when i can catch them, Law and Order SVU...blah blah blah I hate reality shows, however, they have a tendency of sucking me in during those occasions of insomnia....Flavor of Love anyone? hahaha...shameless...


Alice In Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass,Kabuki series, Grendel, Paradise Lost, Beowulf, EndGame, Harry Potter series, DaVinci Code, Book of Odes by Pablo Neruda, Kim Addonizio, The Elephant Vanishes, Coraline, any type of mythology (especially greek and celtic)etc...


Mr. T for being such an amazing and positive person in my life and for loving me as much as he does...My family for being everything to me....