I'd like to meet:
People in the Bay or elsewhere with passion for making music.and these folks too...
Entre Músicos , Cali Nation, Fuga! La Vereda, Lado Oriente, La Colectiva, La Plebe, The Genie, Brown Buffalo Project, Revolta, Avon Union, DJ OYE, Para La Gente, Quetzal, RATM, The Mars Volta, Los Lobos, Mos Def, Buddy Guy, Aztlan Underground, Ollin, Raigambre, Son de Madera, Loco Bloco, Bayonics, Femi, Los Mocosos, Carne Cruda, Fania Records, M.A.S.S., Lyrics Born, RadioHead...
Charlie Rose and Letterman
Kingdom of Fear, Better than Sex and most of that crazy SOB Hunter S. Thompson's other ramblings.Understanding Power, nonfiction.
My ancestors and...