all things musical and artsy fartsy, all things not so stuck-up and lofty, but also attics and lofts (not to mention, the occasional basement). peace of mind with bits o spontaneous tomfoolery and general hooplah. horseplay (not what you're thinking). readin, writin and arithmetic.
yes, and too much of it to mention on this imaginary little page.
Most anything by Mel Brooks, Slingblade, Harold and Maude, Gummo, Blue Velvet, The Waterboy, Raging Bull, on and on
not so much, mostly old westerns with my grandaddy and some sour mash. occasionally some comedy central or documentaries, but that's about it.
oh lord yes
Bukka White,Herman "Sonny" Blount, Woody Guthrie and many others. Anyone who tries to make the world a better place, be it within their block, community, or their own head. Folks who don't think they're better than anybody else. Folks who can bring those stuck-up, rich or narcissistic ones to their knees. Most of your major deities and religious icons, esp. Jesus Christ before many of his followers made him look bad.Ex. 1.1“I hate a song that makes you think that you are not any good. I hate a song that makes you think that you are just born to lose. Bound to lose. No good to nobody. No good for nothing. Because you are too old or too young or too fat or too slim or too ugly or too this or too that. Songs that run you down or poke fun at you on account of your bad luck or hard travelling. I am out to fight those songs to my very last breath of air and my last drop of blood. I am out to sing songs that will prove to you that this is your world and that if it has hit you pretty hard and knocked you for a dozen loops, no matter what color, what size you are, how you are built, I am out to sing the songs that make you take pride in yourself and in your work. And the songs that I sing are made up for the most part by all sorts of folks just about like you. I could hire out to the other side, the big money side, and get several dollars every week just to quit singing my own kind of songs and to sing the kind that knock you down still farther and the ones that poke fun at you even more and the ones that make you think that you’ve not got any sense at all. But I decided a long time ago that I’d starve to death before I’d sing any such songs as that. The radio waves and your movies and your jukeboxes and your songbooks are already loaded down and running over with such no good songs as that anyhow.†– Woody Guthrie...