I got my own Free MySpace Layouts from Pyzam.com
Myspace Layouts
Sleeping in...weekends...Snuggling up on the couch....watching my Steelers play ...okay I lie watching Troy Palumalo play...LOL...playing basketball Shover kid style.....mom and daughter days......morning kisses, always a good way to start off the day....thats just a few......
All kinds, depends on what mood I'm in at the time. Anything but that devil music, it gives me a headache.....not kidding ask Shon. LOL :: HotFreeLayouts
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Love Chick flicks,comedy and everything inbetween except scary.................and yes I admit it I'm a chicken.
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
Whatever channel the kids have it on....Disney, Nick, animal Plant. All the good stuff.
MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts
Mystery and Romance even though I haven't had time in the last 2 yrs. One of these days I swear I'll make time. =0) .
MyHotComments :: My hunny for being such a good friend and provider for our family. He has to be such a strong person for never throwing me over a bridge even though at times I'm sure he wanted to. LOL What a CHAMP. :) My kids for making me feel like a queen even on the worst days. They really are the best......