.....Console video games, large breasts, medical science, photography, exploring, travel, the usual.
.....Someone who doesn't cry in the shower cutting themselves while masturbating with their tears.
.....I can't afford to get into a specific genre, because I only listen to music that doesn't make me want to kill myself, or small animals. It's a disturbing fact that all their is out there anymore is depressing krapp and boy/girl bands which suck......So that's what I'm into - positive, uplifting music. Be it about good times, friends, sex or random acts of insane violence, so long as I don't relate it to a misguided teen crying while masturbating in the shower it's ok.
.....I love the kind of movies that make you think! Like Basic, The Cube, The General's Daughter, The Emperor, what I've seen of Syriana so far.. Those are my usual favorites. I also like the movies that have alot more going on in the background, the expanded story which are covered in books, like Star Wars, and Pulp Fiction.
.....I don't watch TV very much.. But I do catch episodes of things that I like at friend's houses and download their seasons at home. I love The Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Chappelle Show, The Shield, Drawn Together, Nuruto, Robot Chicken, stuff like that.
Star Wars expanded universe! Represent! The Myst series kicked ass too. Mostly I read non fiction though.
Samuel L. Jackson's characters, most of them anyway. I usually identify more with the bad guys in movies, they have purpose.