About Me
whatz qood itz your niqqa ANT better known as <[/b> FRESCO ] on dha net ; BASiKZ 14 yearz younq reppin the class of 2009 ; freshmen at kennedy hiqh skoo` WHA iT D0 ; i qot dhat CAMB0DiAN blood runninq throuqh me <[/b> jeaaa im AZN H0` ] qet used to dha factz ; if u dont lyk me den qet dhaa fuqkk out !!!!! i aint qot the time or patience to be nice ; tryna live life to tha fulleszt ; life aint nuttin without ma style ; r0qkin air forcez ; jordanz ; nikez ; akadmkz ; rocawear ; eck0 ; timbz { pop dha colla - holla } qot dhat passion for music ; love it kant be wif0ut it ; i love hip hop & r&b ; some underqround rap ; jeaaaa official shit ; i qot AL0T of friendz it may not seem lyk it buh` i do ; but i only qot a few onez i can tell anythinq to ; u kno who u are ; if u ah hata or juz a pussy asz niqqa den qet dha fuqk outta here H0` !!!!!!!!!
EMiLY - lol ; where do i start ; we`ve known eachother for 2yearz ; we had our upz & downz ; some fiqhtz jeaa remember ? well that was past ; & itz qood to kno that i have someone thatz qonna be there for me ; and there isnt any more u can do to be a better friend ; & i kno that we will stay friendz foreva cuz tru friendz never break apart !!
SABRiNA - lmfao iCKUZ lmao ah sabrina i love u so0 qod dayum much0z !!!! lmfao we be lauqhinq almost everyday ; lauqhinq at the stupidest shit ever ; we be talkin on the phone & juz start lauqhinq for no reason ; & when we hanq out itz so0 hilarious lmao there cant be a party without you ; your crazy but funny ; & u are the only person that can actually understand my bilingual talkinq lmfao ; yesss sabrina we're the bestest of friendz
SASHA - i love u sasha !! S i K E lol juz kiddin ; ahh sasha if it werent for emily we wouldnt be friendz ; not even knowinq each0tha ; lmfao you are the most aqqressive female ever lmao ; but i like that aboutchu ; your ah qood person ; someone that we all can lauqh with ; we havent known each0tha for lonq but we became qood friendz ; and juz remember that N0 0NE CAN EVA HATE ME lmao itz impossible ; lol lovee ya much0z & remember that i was the boy that qrinded wit u at homecominq !!! lmao
ERiKA - lmfao ahhh erika we`ve known eachother since the 2nd qrade !!!! & we're still best friendz !!!! omq erika there isnt anyone who i`d rather lauqh wit than you ; omfq we be havin fun !! lmfao remember the time we broke the swinqz !!!!! lmfao !! funny shit yo ; & u and your scooter lmfao !!! ahhh me & u be qettin hurt like WH0A !!! lmao but itz so0 funny ; we're qonna remain friendz no matter what ; cuz we've been friendz for too lonq to break our friendship L0VE U SO0 MUCHHHH !!!!