Reed profile picture


Fuck The World, Take Back Whats Ours!!!!!

About Me

A long time ago, it was written in the stone that a band will come to save the fucking world. well that band has come, and its ready to fucking come again in your ear pussys!!! The gods made a team of fucking musicians that now stand before you as REED. . . . .We are like CREED. . . .BUT LESS fucking GAY!!!!! and we got rid of the C because it stood for CRAP!!!!!!! Sal lead vocals and guitarist spent a couple years alone in his room. . .creating reeds foundation. . .it was pretty dam good, in fact it was fucking awesome. . . .well this music came upon the ears of drummer/vocals Ryan22 and bassist jack, who were like. . ." fuck yea mother fucker!!! lets fucking do this!! Now they sit in ryans garage day after fucking day rocking so fucking hard that even satan gets a fucking hard on when he hears it!!!!! REED is here to come in your ear pussys and fucking eat sandwiches!!!!! with skittles in there hands and pudding skins in there hearts they are ready to win your hearts, and the hearts of every fucking mom out there. . . . . . .so beware!!!!!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/30/2007
Band Website: PORNOTUBE.COM!!!!!
Band Members: Sal---Guitars and Lead Vocals Jack---Bass and Backing Vocals Ryan 22---Drums and Backing Vocals
Influences: Ryan-Greenday, Blink-182, Andrew W.k, A.F.I, Dead Kennedys, Jack-Ac/Dc, Fall of Troy, Goo Goo Dolls, Jaco Pastorious, Hinder, Offspring, Casulties. Sal-Green Day, Led Zepplin, Nirvana, Ac/Dc, Rage Against the Machine
Sounds Like: When you wake up from a night of hard partying and have a massive hangover and stand next to a frieght train. . . . . . .along those lines
Record Label: Your moms house!!!!
Type of Label: None

My Blog

The 411 behind Reed

Reed was formed on October 1st, 2007. It is now January 27th, 2008. I am truly amazed at what we as a whole have been capable of accomplishing. We got a good handful of shows coming up and the music s...
Posted by Reed on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:51:00 PST


Sorry for the inconveinience, do to a copy right scare we took down the music, we are now in the process of recording inorder to get up some new material for u guys, thank you for your patience. New m...
Posted by Reed on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 02:16:00 PST

a month and a half of work and look what weve done!!!

It's been a month and a half since this band has formed. We've mastered 8 songs total and we already have played two shows...successfully stealing them both. MUCH LOVE to everyone who made it to fairf...
Posted by Reed on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:21:00 PST

It’s Official, Reed is Now a band...LOOK OUT!!!

After 2 1/2 years of slaving for drummers and bass efforts have finally paid off. Reed is now a band!!! Members are: Sal Rodriguez: Guitars and Lead VocalsJack Kauffman: Bass and Backing ...
Posted by Reed on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:39:00 PST