Welcome To The Official Myspace Page of Brandon Vogel
Owner and Creator of
I'm looking to create a friends list full of entrepreneurs in MLM, Internet Marketing, Network Marketing and Direct Sales! If you are any of these people please add me.
Who Is Brandon Vogel and How Can He Help Me Grow My Business?
Well Just a little about me, I just recently moved from Roseville, California to Fairfield Glade, Tennessee. I Have the most amazing girlfriend in the world and have a daughter named Leiah. I am an Entrepreneur, Author of 2 books, Internet Marketer, Consultant, in Direct Sales, have my own online businesses, a member of an amazing personal development community ( LifePath Unlimited ) and I love my life! I get to wake up when I want, do what I want to, go on mini-retirement vacations, and The best thing is I'm ONLY 20 YEARS OLD! But DONâ€T think that I just started out like this by getting LUCKY! You couldn’t be more further from the truth!
I've been marketing for over 2 years online and have been trying to find out everything there is to know about this industry, and meet like minded people who think in the same way. I started out just like everyone else, I know how it is to struggle and it wasn't easy at first!
I’ve been in very though situations and somehow powered though them some include….getting my electricity and air conditioner turned off in the middle of the summer, almost being evicted from my apartment and having to sell everything that I owned just to have a place to stay, being way behind on my bills, and falling deeper and deeper into credit card debt. And come to think of it the only reason I know I made it though those times was from the support of my girlfriend, a proper mindset, an unbelievable mentor and a personal development community LifePath Unlimited ) designed to empower and inspire individuals!
I’ve come along way in the past few months and had a few successful businesses but for every one successful business I’ve had 10 failures! Most of my business’s were going nowhere fast and just wasting my time! I spent a few thousand dollars in horrible marketing investments that just put me deeper in debt.
"After finding a Secret Community of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs, Seeking a Mentor, and Running with an Elite Underground Marketing Crew I Have Found The Hidden Treasures The Guru's Have Be Hiding and Lying About All Along!
One thing that I quickly learned from my mentor was to BRAND YOURSELF before any Product, Service or Company. This is what 97% of armature marketers don’t understand! They are there promoting other people on their replicated site instead of THEMSELVES!Now think about how this can help you out! Everyone NOW knows who you are and what you are all about. You already know that you have the best service and products to bring to your clients but before now, nobody had a clue who you were. If no one knows that you exist and you don’t have “Hot Targeted Leads†coming to your site, then how is your business going to be successful?
This is where the knowledge of Web 2.0 works in your favor! I will show you how to get on the first page of google with out spending any money at all not even 1 cent. If you are tired of failing because you can't get enough targeted traffic to your site or cant convert them into sales, so you can finally make it,If your having trouble marketing online and trying to grow your business, struggling to find a new business opportunity, Give me a call and leave a message or shoot me an email here on myspace!
Give Me A Call At My Office
(931) 325.0878
A lot More About Me and Where I came From!
I was Born in San Diego, CA then moved to Dodge City, KS when I was very young until I graduated High school! After High School I knew there would never be anything there, and I should “Get the hell outta Dodge!†Literally! So I went to Orlando, FL where I was attending college at FullSail for Audio Engineering and Music Producing but decided that’s not the life I wanted. Of course it would be awesome to meet all of the band’s and work on their records, but working 80+ hours a week and not getting any vacation time in years just isn’t the life I want at all.
What I did After College
Soon after getting my associates degree I moved out to California in November 2006, stayed with my dad for a few months and began my life. So guess what I did? I worked at Gold’s gym and sold gym memberships! Wow was that fun! To my boss I was only worth about $8 an hour and get this, they even told me that if I sell a membership I get an extra $5! You guys should have seen how excited I was knowing that I was getting a $300 paycheck every 2 weeks. But I was only working about 15 hours or less each week.
I didn’t mind though, everything was working out because I was making a pretty good living, making $2,000 - $3,500 a month through eBay! The only reason I got a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke) in the first place was so I could move into an apartment ( I had to have a REAL J.O.B. to move in), and to get my dad to stop yelling at me. All I remember him saying was “go get a job, your not ever going to make anything on the internet, everything is a scam and you can’t count on making a living like that.†Only thing that I though was just look at Corporate America there is no job security. I was that kid that always got into trouble for not doing anything because I would work smarter than everyone else and finish my task in 2 hours compared to the 8 hours they gave me. Anyways after a few months working got really, really old so I quit!
My Next Job Was Really Awesome!!!! NOT
I got another one of those J.O.B’s working for T-Mobile! Now this job seemed like a blast at first, only because it was in the mall and I got to talk to everyone who walked by hence the 3 foot rule. Still I was only worth $7.50 an hour but hey I still got commission! $400 every 2 weeks, My rent was $936 and I still had to pay off my college, pay for my car, food, gas and other things and I stopped doing eBay just to look for new ventures! Anyways at T-mobile I was having fun at first just saying things like â€Hey man you have T-mobile? Nice shoes they look hot, are they pretty fast?
After a while it turned into “ Hey what’s up man do you have T-Mobile?†then of course you know how people are…..smartass’ they would be rude and say something like “No Verizon is better†so what did I say? “Awesome well I’ve got a free Pink razor over here for you, when you want one I think it fits you pretty good! Or Hey were giving out free restroom passes today want a couple?†The funny thing was that some people even stopped and thought that they had to get one to go to the bathroom! haha but yea…..almost got fired a couple of times but it was worth it I was only worth $7.50 an hour anyways right so why not have fun right? Finally I quit!
I didn't want a life of just getting by and waiting for a paycheck every 2 weeks that's not the life for me!
Then after studying all of the top income earner’s from multiple programs, seeing how they worked, what they did, and how little time it took them, I finally discovered their secrets. I've always known that there was a way to make a lot of money on the internet just never figured it out until about 8 months ago. Now there’s no turning back.
Everything about being an entrepreneur was just a reality to me. Having the Time, Freedom, and Money just excited me! I don’t know how all of those 95%er’s out there are happy or just don’t look for opportunities! Don’t they know there’s more to life than just work? Guess not but that’s why I’m here! To go tell them the information and help them live a better life.
If there’re lucky one or 2 of them will finally see an opportunity and jump over to the other 5% but only if they keep their eye’s open for the opportunities that jump out at them! That’s what I’m trying to do is make that jump and It’s hard but you know what…….it’s going to be worth it when I look back and see from all of the little things I did great things came over time!
I have all the skeptics in the world tell me that I will never make it including my own family. I told my dad about my dreams of becoming a millionaire at 24, having celebrities as friends, and hanging out with some of the youngest most successful and wealthiest people in the nation within the next 5 to 10 years and guess what happened? My dad and brother laughed at me…okay not laughed, but laughed so hard that they were crying!
I’m serious too, how messed up is that? Haha I just laughed with them too…..because while they were laughing at me I was laughing at them, because all they are doing is making me that much more determined to make my dreams a reality. I know its going to happen and it’s going to take hard work! But Still they discourage me, they don’t have faith or even support me but Hey....I know that I'm going to make it and there's no stopping me....all I’m doing now is looking for people to pick up along the way, people that are already there and the ones who want to get there. I already have my Vision and all I can say is that I can’t wait to get there!
With That Said
"Sooner or later you are going to have to make a decision.....to leave behind your passion, and your dreams...... or to have the strength to look past all the discouraging faces, and all the negativity in the universe, then look at yourself and know that you have what it takes to become the biggest success the world has ever seen! In doing that, you will not only prove them wrong, but have the greatest feeling in the world......To accomplish what others think and say is impossible!" - Brandon Vogel