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About Me

UmMm......... i LiVe In FaIrFiElD aNd I g2 b.GaLe.WiLsOn. i LiKe To Go PaInTbAlLiN wId mIe FrIeDs CaUsE i`M a VeRy aThLeTiC pErSoN. I`M nOt FaT pErSoN aNd Im nOt DuMb i HavE AvErAgE gRaDeS aNd Im NoT a ShOwOfF cAuSe I hAtE sHoW oFfS!!!!!!!!!!! i KnO MaNy TpPeS Of SeLf DeFeNsE lIke kArAtE AnD iM SiNgLe LOL I pLaY dA dRuMs AnD iG2G bAnD aNd Im In a DrUmLiNE kEwL hUh AnD i DoNt LiKe CaNdY cAuSe It MeSs Up Ur tEeTh LoL!!!!!! AnD JAYVEE mIe BrO jUsS tO lEt YaLl KnO aNd mY FaV cOz is KaYLa.... and im goin to hawaii on da island honalulu
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My Interests

I lOvE cArS AnD lAdIeS hAhAhA lOl.......... I doNt LiKe PeOpLe DaT r GaY cAuSe Im NoT gAy oKaYe??? i LiKe ShOeS AnD sPoRtS lIkE bAsKeTbAlL. i LiKe GoIn To Da MaLl tO BuY MiE gUrL sUmTiN If I hAd OnE oR wAtCH a MoViE oR jUsS hAnG oUt CaUsE i LiKe To ChIlL.

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK] You are Super-Cool !
Woah! Step back - the future's so bright for you it's blinding me! You are the coolest of the cool. Everyone looks up to you as the benchmark for being coooool. The fonze was your grandfather. Any cooler and you'd freeze! WOO it's chilly in here.
Cool quizzes at

I'd like to meet:

href= d=549 Which Family Guy character are you?
You love to have company with the ladies. You also would never let a large, powerful boyfriend get in your way.

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If I killed you how would I do it?
stab you
id probly walk up to you and stab you in public.
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Eminem - When I'm Gone
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I lIkE hOrRoR mOvIeS lIkE tHe GrUdGe, AnD cOmEdY mOvIeS lIkE The Dairy Of A Mad Black Women , EsPeCiAlLy MoViEs LiKe Hustle and Flow..........


I lIkE BET,MTV2,MTV, AnD CoMeDy Central cause da Chapelle show and South Park ............


hell no!!!!!!!!!!


ThE lOrD gOd, aNd jEsUs, AnD 2pAc