Psychopharmacology, theology, philosophy, music, guns, dissonance, politics, and being an over-achiever. .. As of 1/19/2007 the war in Iraq has cost: 359,661,000,000 and rising, 3027 lives of American soldiers and the lives of 54,611-59,868 Iraqi civilians. Say no to war!
I want to find a queen without a king.
The soundtrack for my life
Old Boy, Lost Highway, The Man Who Fell to Earth, Goodfellas, all of the Starwars and Lord of the Rings movies, Hellraiser, City of the Lost Children, a Nightmare on Elm Street, Poltergeist, Three Extremes, Battle Royale, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, Delicatessen, Lady Vengeance, I Stand Alone, Butcher Boy, Casino, Saving Private Ryan, Rear Window, Blue Velvet, A Clockwork Orange, Cube, Kung Fu Hustle, Grandma's Boy, The Big Lebowski, The Last Temptation of Christ...
Metalocalypse, Family Guy, The Sopranos, Carnivale, Rome, South Park, Real Time With Bill Maher, Tigers baseball and Lions football... .
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Communist Manifesto, Tao Te Ching, Common Sense, Nietzsche, Brave New World, The Republic, and 1984.
Buddha and Clarance