Experimental Terror Productions est un (net)label experimental, noise, indus’ etc. Il est géré par A. (Abstrakt Sound, H-C=N) et S. (Division Tchernobyl (ex-TchernobyL-75666-), H-C=N and AmigaNoise ). Tous les groupes souhaitant se faire produire peuvent nous contacter à : [email protected] (A.) et [email protected] (S.)Experimental Terror Productionsis an experimental, noise, indus... (net)label. Its owners are A. (Abstrakt Sound, H-C=N) and S.(Division Tchernobyl (ex-TchernobyL-75666-), H-C=N and AmigaNoise ). All the bands who want to be produced can contact us on : [email protected] (A.) and [email protected] (S.)Productions Netlabel :
ETPnet001 - ABSTRAKT SOUND - Ø [Experimental/Noise/Industrial/Ambient]ETPnet002 - FRONT SONORE - .Noise Factory. [Industrial Noise]ETPnet003 - NEBEL - Die Zahl der Toten [Industrial Krieg Muzik]ETPnet004 - EMOTIONAL MANWORE - Will You Not Accept Us For Who We Are Rather Than For Who We Are Not [Electroacoustic and Minimalist Duet with Piano and Drums]ETPnet005 - TÖTER FISCH - Forbidden Games [Avangardist Black Metal]ETPnet006 - KARSCK - Apologie d’Une Sonorité Troublante [Speedcore/Harsh/Noise Mix]ETPnet007 - Abstrakt Sound - Live Distortion Madness [Live Noise]ETPnet008 - Pollution Auditive 001 v/a [harshnoise & cie]ETPnet010 - Mad Doktor - Unkorektly Muzzzik From the Labotory [Psychedelic Gore Noise]ETPnet011 - DRONE.Z vs FRONT SONORE vs KARSCK - Neurotic Noise [3-Way Split of Noise !]ETPnet014 - LAND OF ICE - Terre de Glace [dark ambient]ETPnet015 - TNOTISO2FBIADR - Session 1 [trash noisecore]ETPnet016 - NECROANAL/ABSTRAKT SOUND - Sickness, Destruction & Noise [harshnoise/electro]ETPnet017 - Front Sonore/Autodafé - Désillusion [Industrial Noise vs Martial Ambient]ETPnet019 - Kommando Kannibal - Brutal Lobotomy Aktion [analogic harshnoise]ETPnet021 - Karsk/Abstrakt Sound - Why [harshnoise]Productions Materielles :
Aucune pour le moment / no one for the moment
Futures Productions :
ETP002 - TCHERNOBYL-75666- (Now DIVISION TCHERNOBYL)/ VRS - Split-Tape 2007 [Experimental/Noise/Industrial/Ambient]
ETP003 - MELEK-THA - Symphony of Sickness [Experimental/Industrial/Ambient]
ETP004 - DSM-IV - Kryptage STN [Noise - DemoCDr for ETP and Maybe DemoTape from Ug Pollution]
ETPnet009 - Compilation ETP - 1 [Experimental - view list here ]
ETPnet012 - AMIGANOISE / ABSTRAKT SOUND - Enter into the Cold Industrial Violence [Experimental/Noise/Industrial/Ambient]
ETPnet013 - HARSH TERRORISTIK HATE - InterdimentionaL KhaoS [mix of harsh black metal, traditional 90’s BM & electro/noise/ambient]OFFICIAL EXPERIMENTAL TERROR MESSAGEBOARD (IN FRENCH) : http://experimentalterror.forumactif.info/index.htm