Popping,Hip Hop Choreography, and Breaking
Hanging Out
Video Games
Fobby Stuff
A girl I can just talk to and hold in my arms all night. I want to be able to look at the stars with this girl and marvel as the stars spell out our names in the warm breeze of a mid summers night. A girl named _______ to complete me. Not just the sentence fragment the but the fragment missing in my heart which longs to be completed. Someone that is intelligent, open minded, adorable, funny, speaks her mind with maturity and is trustworthy. Someone with glistening eyes so I can look into the depths of her soul and with ears so she can listen to me say "I love you" as we hold each other. And one evening she can scatter me across the twilight sky so I can sparkle all night, and like a star I will fall for her...maybe. Perhaps...I suppose. Or not.
Too much to ask for? Well I'm always down for making new friends or dancers to session with. Don't be shy and just drop me a message or IM me. Don't worry I think I'm a pretty nice guy. Well, until you get to know me really well. Afterwards I'll smash you with insults relentlessly.
Oh yeah, I don't add people I don't know unless they leave me a message or something so if I don't know you and you want to add me, drop me a simple "Hi" first okay?
AIM Sn: krazyXbangz (don't ask, its been my sn since like forever)
PS. Id really like to meet her :
Because she has the best smile in the world
Mostly hip-hop (mainstream and underground), Japanese/Korean/Chinese songs, break beats, funk, electro, R & B, Punk/Alternative/Emo/whatever rock, slow jams, any songs that sound good, are catchy, or have amazing lyrics.
Movies: My Sassy Girl, Forrest Gump, Superbad, Old School, 40 Year Old Virgin, The Lion King, Spiderman series, Nana, Batman Begins, Transformers, and much more.
Anime: Great Teacher Onizuka, Scrapped Princess, Bleach, Naruto, Claymore, Death Note, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Gundam Seed
Boy Meets World :) and Heroes too
20th Century World History, Biochemistry 5th Edition, and Physics 3rd Edition
My Dad.
R.I.P. Dad
5/14/05 2:25 AM