The newest R&B sensation on the rise goes by the name of Kurtious. This new artist is on the way straight to the top. This Brooklyn bred performer has been dreaming of this since the age of 10.With his a voice as smooth as Marios and the song writing ability of Ne-yo,He can only be compared to the ultra talented singer Corey Latif Williams.Although singing has always been his first love Kurtious is also a dancer. Dancing since the age of seven, He has always looked up to Michael Jackson and has hoped to be as successful. In high school he was introduced to dancing styles like Dancehall and flexing.
Already talented in the arts of singing and dancing, Kurtious next tried his hand at songwriting. At first trying to express his feelings to the ladies, he claims that many of his first songs started as love letters but he could always hear a melody. Youll find a lot of his own personal experiences in his lyrics since that is where a lot of his inspiration stems from.
His first fan and supporter was his own mother. Caught singing into a stereo remote at 11, Kurtious remembers her saying that she wished she had the money and connections to help nourish his talent. Coming from a very musically talented family he always saw himself as being average. It wasnt until he saw Mario perform that he took singing seriously. Even then he knew that education was more vital so he vowed to wait until after high school to start his singing career. All the while performing at different talent shows and showcasing his skills it was the encouragement of family and friends that keeps him going. He describes the adrenaline rush and excitement of performing/singing as the best feeling in the world. Going to a Kurtious show you should expect this sexy song stylist to pour out his heart in his music, along with some killer dance moves and that charismatic smile.
Youll leave with the feeling of good music and a good time.
Nothing less should be expected when listening to one of his songs. When asked what he hopes to see for the future, I want to be a legend and start my own label so I can help other up and coming artists get heard. I also want to show people that theres more than one way to make it out the hood. This current York College student is majoring in Liberal Arts so that hell always have something to fall back on. This superstar in the making is just waiting for a chance to be heard. Music is his everything. He describes it as Something to live for. Without a melody I dont know how else I would smile. So just remember the name Kurtious!
Kurtious Live At Radio City Music Hall