First off...If I don't know you, chances are I won't add you. Try sending a message first. Otherwise, you can expect a denial. I don't add bands, unless I know the bands. So, the point is... I don't randomly add people. My list is comprised of people I know. End of story. :-D That being said, on with the show!
I am the epitome of greatness, for the most part. Why? Well, that's easy enough. I'm living proof that looks don't matter (because hell, I'm one fugly sumbitch). On that same token, I'm the reason your parents sheltered you when you were younger, and filled your head with the superficial standards of our ever-hypocritical society.
I am VERY well-spoken, as well as outspoken. I'm opinionated, and in that sense, stick to my beliefs with a viscious, stubborn stance. That being said, I can't STAND ignorance. Granted, that makes being among the masses a bit more difficult, but I'm getting better and better at weeding out those that make life nothing more than annoying.
My life used to be overrun with anger and rage, thanks to a temper I inherited from my father. Nowadays, I moreso release my rage through music, and more meaningful outlets. I love life, I love being alive, I love being able to feel (whether those feelings are good or bad), and nothing can change that. I want to experience everything possible during the short time I'm on this earth.
I know the meaning and value of true friends, which alot of the individuals I know seem not to realize. Respect and trust are earned from me, not given with a benefit of the doubt. This is what makes the people that HAVE gotten close to me so valuable. I would give my life for them, whether they would do the same or not. So I suppose someone would ask if I'm so arrogant I think my friendship is a valuable asset. It is, and I am an elitest in that respect.
If you want a shot at being one of the few, drop me a message. Remember, though. I want wit, intelligence, and the ability to carry on a conversation. Not worthless crap. :-D.