0N3 60 profile picture

0N3 60

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I love being with my friends/ drinking and driving/ smokin' & flying/ free parties/ free drinks/ Gogo dancers/ Hipsters/ Headbangers / SpeedCars and Bikes/ Unsuspected Kisses/ Shoplifters/ Live Concerts/ Krispy Kreme Doughnuts/ Being a workaholic / Resting in the Job/ Trips :)/ Make music with my fingers and feet/ Copy and design / Comments on my page / Charanga Huapachosa/ Trash Metal/ You . And I hate / Hair in the Soap / Love Depressions / Saturday nights without beer/ Non Charanga Huapachosa and i can't remember more. Think it twice before adding me *_*! (Do not enter only to see... text me you all moth#"$ fuck#"$!!!)

Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Real people with non so real ideas... perfect-lifes step off. Thnx!

My Blog

Me amarga y me consuela

Me amarga y me consuela que mañanacuando a cerrar se empiece esta mi heridayo te vere pasar junto a mi vidacon tu dicha pequeña y cotidiana.Mi consuelo sera juzgar tu vanabiografia menuda y repetiday ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 22:22:00 GMT


Aunque ya me siento un poco oxidado para esto de las nuevas modas ¿qué onda con los emos que ya hasta los protege el gobierno? ¡No no no manos! Yo a su edad el gobierno era quien se protegia de u...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:12:00 GMT

Te llamé

Te llamo Te  lamo Te   amo Te    mo Temo Te emociona saber que te llamé.  
Posted by on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 21:47:00 GMT