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FOR THOSE WHO ACTUALLY READ THE ABOUT ME SECTION AND STILL WANT TO ADD ME.....At least send me a message when u do add me, to let me know who the hell u are. If not, I will assume ur spam and assume u didnt read about me, so why add you :)So let me update this part of my profile...altho who really read this stuff anyhow? For those who do...Lets see... Im Marni, Ive lived in Phoenix all my life, give or take a few years for when I was in the USAF. One of the few anymore - AN ARIZONA NATIVE! I think I could be the epitome of a true Gemini...or maybe I should get diagnosed as Bipolor cause I do have that 'split personality' thing going on! I could be having fun one minute and the next its like Wrap it up, party's over. I do treat others how I would like to be treated. Im pretty mellow, grounded, independent, witty, scarcastic, genuine, and I am very vocal with how Im feeling. After u get to know me, Im pretty crazy and like to have a good time. I recently left my previous salon cause the boss is psycho - who has a restraining order on her by her sons gf...and fucked us over on taxes. Maybe Im wrong but isnt an employer supposed to take out taxes BY LAW? Uh yeah, thought so. Needless to say, me and a couple of girls left that hidious janky ass salon and got our own business going. Some friendships were broken as well, but who gives a fuck? And currently working with vaginas...literally! Gotta love GYN! Right now, Im just seeing how things come...thank u for reading.