Agents of Doomis not only the finest place on the internet to purchase nerdy and arty and sometimes defiant t-shirts, but it is also a company ran by two of the coolest people on the face of this planet.Can you Believe that? TWO of the COOLEST people on the face of THIS planet? Will and Chad are so awesome that they have decided to make available to humans everywhere pieces of wearable cloth with images and words "Printed" on them, so that the whole of humanity and certain dolphins will know without a doubt that you have talked to them, if not in person, than at least through the safety of the internet where you are free from being influenced by their smooth talking and devilish good looks.
Send us a comment or message, and we guaranty that Will and Chad will have someone they know personally write you back.
1) Will and Chad may or may not actually exsist.
2) Performing ancient rituals at the dead of midnight will not produce the zombified remains of Will and Chad.( that we know of. please do not try )