Kelvis profile picture


Chumpatizing suckahs since the Bahamas gained its full independence within the Commonwealth of Natio

About Me

No, this isn't about me. Stop trying to make this about me. It's about you.

My Interests

Scratchy records, main damies, and obliqueness.

I'd like to meet:

Steve Wiebe!


The Jungle Room Top 10:

Les Savy Fav
"Accidental Deaths 45"

"The Difference Between Me And You Is That I'm Not On Fire"

LCD Soundsystem
"Sound Of Silver"

The Fluid

Daniel Johnston

Sound Directions
"The Funky Side Of Life"

"Music To Make Love To Your Old Lady By "

Bill Doggett
"Honk Tonk Popcorn"

Smoke And Smoke
"Love Suffers Long"

Girl Talk
"Night Ripper"

"Internal Feedback 001-011"


Wild At Heart, Brazil, Xanadu, The Warriors, The Royal Tenenbaums, Kicking And Screaming (1995), Do The Right Thing, Kids, Pootie Tang, Buffalo 66, Orgy Of The Dead, Flash Gordon, Un Chien Andalou, Dead Alive, Beautiful Girls, Suspiria, The Empire Strikes Back, Heathers, Reservoir Dogs, Ghost Dog, Raising Arizona, Gummo, Evil Dead II, Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia, Summer School, R. Kelly's Trapped In The Closet, The Devil And Daniel Johnston, The King Of Kong, etc.


Television, the drug of the Nation... breeding ignorance and feeding radiation.


Books are for nerds.
Actually, that's not true.
I'm functionally illiterate.
So here are some magazines I regularly pretend to be able to read...


Most of my heroes don't appear on no stamps. My heroes have always been flunkies and drunk and telling lies.
Oh, and Bob Welch.
And Fabrice Fabrice.
And Steve Wiebe.