I LoVe mY FaMiLy (weLL sOmE oF tHeM LMaO!!!) anD FrienDs anD i aLsO LoVe MuSiC!!!
mY LiL jOsHy LoVeS tHe caMeRa
get this clock
iD LiKe 2 meeT SerJ TanKiaN...I LoVe HiM...Hes briLLianT
i aLsO waNNa mEeT...
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i LiKe sOme mOvieS...i gueSS...cOmeDies. siLLy mOviEs LoL i LoVe NaPoLeoN DynaMiTe (musT be mY aTTracTiOn 2 gEeKs)
oLd hOrrOr mOvieS, gangsTeR moVies LiKe sCarFacE r cOoL. i waTcHeD 300 aLmosT 300 TiMeS LMaO...i LoVe tHaT mOvie, but iF iM gOnnA siT 4 a LoNg TiMe iD raTher bE pLaYin tHe druMs oN mY FaV gaMe....pLeaSe SaVe HaRoLd!!!ThIs iS fuN wHeN iM bOreD...
sUpeR MaRiO wiLL aLwaYs bE tHe sH!T....LuV iT buT noT tHaT greaT aT iT LoL
Mario Brother 2
DoNt reaLLy waTcH TV, iD raTheR bE dOiN sOmetHin eLse...I LiKe cRiMe sHowS, mOsTLy tHe reaL oNeS LiKe ForenSiC FiLes buT i LiKe tHe DraMas 2, HaTe "reaLiTy" sHoWs...
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noT mucH TiMe 2 reaD nOw buT i DiD enjOy bOoKs liKe BeLoveD, To KiLL a mOckingbirD, oF miCe and meN, 3rd and InDiaNa etc. I aLsO enjOy reaDinG HiGh TiMes, tHe piCs r extreMeLy temPting anD inviTing....tHey maKe me feeL aLL waRm anD haPPy insiDe....oH, yeaH bOoKs righT? weLL tHese r tHe thinGs i enjOy reaDing nOw...
When I was a kid (you know last year)
I was like your shadow, always near.
While learning what the world was about
I followed your footsteps day in and day out.
There were so many things I wanted to know.
You answered my questions and helped me grow.
All too soon mom I will be grown
And making my way in this world on my own.
When you remember the good times we had
And wish I was with you, dont be sad.
Just stand by this picture and pretend
That I am your shadow once again.
tHiS iS FrOm mY eRiC
I write this poem for my mom
Because she is the bomb.
I Love her very much,
She has the mothers touch.
She takes care of me,
and smells like sweet potpourri.
Delicious dinners she will always cook,
I think she should write a recipe book.
She is hands down the best mom ever,
I will love her forever.
Here is wishing you a happy Mothers Day.
You should be celebrated everyday not just in May.
tHiS waS wriTTen bY mY sOn NaThAn :-)
cOoL GaMe!!!
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NoT reaLLy a HeRo buT HeS cOoL