Meredith Blaine profile picture

Meredith Blaine

give me head, oh please just give me head......

About Me

SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA- Delta Theta- alpha lambda- #352My headline is a joke. I am not a bobblehead, ok? My name is Meredith and I'm just me, and I'm okay with that.My AIM is Shmeredith352. I'm a graudate of Pine Forest Senior High. I attend the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. I'm a member of SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA. I love my sisters, especially my future roommates, they know who they are. I like to party. I like forties. I know they're not that classy, but I make them classy, ok? I'm now used to getting an average of four hours of sleep a night. I'm single, but I'm pimp status. I've become so much more social since I joined a sorority. I'm pretty weird, but normal enough to know I'm weird. Maybe weird isn't the word. I'm unique. I pick up trash on the ground. Most people call me a hippie or a treehugger but I don't tend to label. I love a cause. I practice yoga and I'm pretty good at it. I can't do the scorpion pose, but I can do the locust, which is pretty close, so I'm my way. My dad used to work for RCA Records, so I got to meet some people (ei. Dave Matthews Band). I have a lot of my dad's gold records. I'm somewhat of a health nut. I love college life, but I don't want to be one of those people who are still in Pembroke when they're 26. I mean come on. I like my school, I just don't the town it's in. get it right. I love my big K. Sharpe and my twin Caroline. DOLPHIN FAMILY FO-EVA!!!! lolI ♥ facebook.100 IDEAS FOR CREATING A MORE PEACEFUL WORLD1. Be generous with your smiles. 2. Be kind. 3. Respect the Earth. 4 .Walk in a forest. 5 .Plant a tree 6. Contemplate a mountain. 7. Protect the Earth. 8. Live simply. 9. Help feed the hungry. 10. Erase a border in your mind. 11. Teach peace to children. 12. Read Chief Seattle's Letter to the President. 13. Be honest. 14. Demand honesty from your government. 15. Think about consequences. 16. Commit yourself to nonviolence. 17. Support nonviolent solutions to global problems. 18. Speak up for a healthy planet. 19. Demand reductions in military expenditures. 20. Be fair. 21. Pledge allegiance to the Earth and to its varied life forms. 22. Think for yourself. 23. Ask questions. 24. Recognize your unique potential. 25. Join an organization working for peace. 26. Be less materialistic. 27. Be more loving. 28. Empower others to work for peace. 29. Oppose all weapons of mass destruction. 30. Support equality. 31. Speak out for a nuclear weapons-free world. 32. Support a Department of Peace. 33. Listen to your heart. 34. Help the poor. 35. Fight against militarism. 36. Study the lives of peace heroes. 37. Help create a community peace park or garden. 38. Commemorate the International Day of Peace. 39. Help strengthen the United Nations. 40. Support the International Criminal Court. 41. Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 42. Advance the rights of future generations. 43. Be a voice for the voiceless. 44. Join an action alert network. 45. Be forgiving. 46. Laugh more. 47. Play with a child. 48. Support education and the arts over weapons. 49. Help educate the next generation to be compassionate. 50. Take personal responsibility for creating a better world. 51. Sing. 52. Write a poem. 53. Organize a church service on the theme of peace. 54. Learn about another culture. 55. Help someone. 56. Support the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF). 57. Oppose the arms trade. 58. Clear your mind. 59. Breathe deeply. 60. Sip tea. 61. Express your views on peace to government officials. 62. Fight for the environment. 63. Celebrate Earth Day. 64. Think like an astronaut, recognizing that we have only one Earth. 65. Be constructive. 66. Let someone else go first. 67. Plant seeds of peace. 68. Work in a garden. 69. Change a potential enemy into a friend. 70. Be positive. 71. Share. 72. Be a good neighbor. 73. Send a note of appreciation. 74. Tell your friends how much they matter. 75. Say "I love you" more. 76. Don't tolerate prejudice. 77. Demand more from your elected officials. 78. Walk by the ocean, a river, or a lake. 79. Recognize that all humans have the right to peace. 80. Respect the dignity of each person. 81. Be a leader in the struggle for human decency. 82. Be a friend. 83. Send sunflowers to world leaders, and call for a world free of nuclear weapons. 84. Oppose technologies that harm the environment. 85. Lose an argument to a loved one. 86. Value diversity. 87. Walk softly on the Earth. 88. Appreciate the power of the sun. 89. Speak out for global disarmament. 90. Support a democratic order. 91. Teach non-violence by example. 92. Remember that no man is island 93. Spend time in nature. 94. Bycott war toys. 95. Be thankful for the miracle of life. 96. Seek harmony with nature. 97. Remind our leaders that peace matters 98. Oppose violence in television programming for children. 99. Listen to Beethoven's Ode to Joy. 100. Celebrate peace.
General Myspace Survey:
Basic Stuff
Full Name: Meredith Blaine
Nickname: Mer, Merf, Meredy, Shmeredith, Mere Bear, Mermie, Andre the Giant, refridgerator fairy
Birth date: July 6, 1988
Birthplace: Fayetteville, NC
Current Location: Pembroke, NC
Height: 5'10
Weight: 147
Eye Colour: blue/grey/green
Hair Colour: brown
Piercings: earrings and nose ring
Tattoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: ummm I'm in a sorority, I need to be single.
Food: Chinese
Restaurant: Good Luck was the best chinese I had ever had
Pizza: cheese
Ice Cream Flavour: chocolate fudge brownie
Drink: tea
Alcoholic Drink: burnett's cause I'm cheap
Number: 17
Colour: green
Flower: orchid
Animal: old english sheepdog, I'll name him Rufus.
TV Show: Seinfeld
Band/Singer: Dave Matthews Band
Album: Before These Crowded Streets
Movie: The Graduate
Actor/Actress: I don't care
Sport: hockey
Season: I love all the season
Make-Up Item: mascara
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: diet coke
McDonald's or Burger King: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: neither
Coffee or Tea: tea
Day or Night: both
Love or Money: love
Hug or Kiss: both
In A Guy/Girl
Favourite Eye Colour: whatever
Favourite Hair Colour: whatever
Height: tall
Style: normal
Looks or Personality: looks is what attracts at first, but personality is more important
Hot or Cute: cute
Muscular or Skinny: skinny
Most Important Physical Feature: whatever
Biggest Turn-Off: skeezes
Best Physical Feature: my smile, so I'm told
Bedtime: weekdays 2. thursdays and weekends it's whatever.
First Thought Waking Up: man, I don't wanna wake up
Ambition: join Peace Corps
Best Friends: Brittany, JZ, Rhonda, Kendall Blaine
Weakness: It's hard for me to be mean.
Fears: not being happy with the way my life turns out
Worst Habit: I don't look at people when they talk to me.
Can You...
Dance: no
Sing: no, but I do when I watch RENT
Drive: yes
Cook: some things
Sew: I can sew a button on.
Speak Another Language: no
Touch Your Nose With Your Tongue: no
Curl Your Tongue: yes
Whistle: yes
Have You Ever...
Been Drunk: yes
Been Stoned/High: ...
Flashed: yes
Eaten Sushi: yes
Eaten Squid: yes
Been In Love: yes, with my niece. I would die for her.
Skipped School: yes
Stolen Something: yes
Cried Yourself To Sleep: no
What annoys you most about a person: I don't really know.
Are you left or right handed: right handed
What is the colour of your room: white, I live in a dorm room.
Do you have any siblings: one sister, one half sister, and one step sister. every variety.
Do you have any pets: not currently.
Are you for or against gay marriage: FOR IT. Love is love.
What's your opinion ..ion: PRO CHOICE
How would you like to die: It doesn't really matter how I want it, does it?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love: yes
Do you think you're attractive: yes
Do you believe in yourself: yes
Do you want to get married: yes
Do you want to have children: yes
Who was the last person you hugged: Jessica
Who was the last person you kissed: ...
Who was the last person to hit you: ?
Who was the last person you wanted to hit: George W. Bush
What was the last thing you ate: a little bit of a sandwich
What was the last thing you drank: water
What was the last thing you said: OHKAY!
What was the last book you read: I re-read Dr. Zhivago
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

My Interests

SIGMA SIGMA SIGMA; Partying; you know, the whole college thing.being joyful. Dave Matthews Band; PBS; The Beatles; World Peace; seeing an end to the devastation of AIDS; yoga; Brittany Deaton; Peace Corps, I'm not dying before i join Peace Corps, if i die while serving in Peace Corps then that's alright, but not before. I'm not sure what i want to do in life but i know i want to join Peace Corps for HIV/AIDS awareness; Edzi Toto; my niece Kendall (my heartbeat);Hanging out it Tiffany; hanging out with brandon too;

What Dave Matthews Band Song Are You (Results Contain Pictures)?
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

I would have loved to meet Geroge Harrison b/c he was defintely the best Beatle and doesn't get enough credit; Ralph Nader; Dave Matthews Band(again anyways);


I really don't have time for all but :The Beatles; Dave Matthews Band; Counting Crows; Tracy Chapman; Ben Folds Five; David Gray; Jefferson Airplane; Velvet Underground; Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians; Maxwell; U2; Phish; Donavon Frankenreiter; Blind Melon; The lemonheads; Seal; Norah Jones; Soulive; Indigo Girls; Jack Johnson; Carbon Leaf; The Fugees; Lil Wayne; TLC; Ben Harper; Matisyahu; Creedence CLearwater Revival; The Seeds; 13th Floor Elevators; Warren Haynes; The Guess Who; Jeezy; Mike Doughty; The Kinks; Criteria; D4L; Del Amitri; Jonny Lang; George Harrison; Wings; Plastic Ono Band; Alanis Morisette; G. Love and Special Sauce; Dire Straits; Fugazi; The Doors; Tonic; Toad the Wet Sprocket; The Byrds; The Cranberries; Simon and Garfunkel (from my favorite movie); Paul Simon; Elliott Smith; Bob Dylan; James Taylor; John Mayer; Rage Against the Machine; Pavement; Pixies; Rilo Kiley; Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers; Marshall Tucker Band; Jurassic 5; 2pac; Neil Young;
Divided Sky! You're peaceful and content, and would
like nothing more than to run out and fly a
kite on a nice summer day. Your personality is
complex and has several different facets, but
in general you just tend to be in a good mood,
which is why everyone likes you so much.

Which Phish Song Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


don't really have the attention span for movies but i do for good ones: Slingblade; the Godfather; Young Frankenstein; Yellow Submarine; The Patriot; Braveheart; (but Mel Gibson is an anti-semite, so I 'm definitely not down with that); The Graduate(the best movie ever); Because of Winn Dixie; Doctor Zhivago; Gone With the Wind; Brokeback Mountain; The Believer; The Terminal; RENT; Cold Mountain;


PBS is my favorite Channel, love seinfeld and BBC. good eats with Dave Lieberman, he's so cute. The Hills. Golden Girls.


The Great Gatsby; The Hound of the Baskervilles; Harry Potter (I can't help it); Doctor Zhivago; The Forsyte Saga; How Can I Help?; Grist For the Mill; Be Here Now; Communist Manifesto, boring but some good ideas; War and Peace; Wuthering Heights; Daniel Deronda; Night;


Ghandi; Nelson Mandela; Indira Ghandi; Aung San Suu Kyi; Ram Dass; Muhammed Yunus; Margaret Batten; Louise Davis; Martha Trent Featherson; Isabella Merrick; Sallie Michie;Leila Scott; Elizabeth Watkins; Lucy Wright