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I am here for Friends

About Me

im a friendly gUrL loVe to Have so Many fRends...can Be noisy But caN aLso b silenT if itS neCesSary, a goOd ListeneR wheN U neEd to bLow Up. I'm fiNe as Long as Ur finE. i can Be rudE anD Nasty whEn it nEedS to be, don't Try mE,.. suM saY i Am purTy buT to Me is jAz avEragE loOkinG gaL, beAuty Is NoT eVerYThinG... I am tHe kinD of PersoN who'S sTiLL sMiLiN' DespitE but thE prObLems... U mAY seE me aS a shaLLow GirL but I havE my dEep siDe alSo. sOmeTimEs i'm t0ugh, buT mOst oF tHe tymS i'm SOfT.

My Interests

i'm inTerEsted in MusiK, guiTars, sh0es,sanDaLs, sLippeRs, aRt,acCesoRieS, maGaziNes, ceLfons,anytHinG... DUH!

I'd like to meet:

wHo eVeR u myT be.. I wAnT to mEet...juST no PerVerts anD asShOLes ok? peAce Man!


loves to lisTen to FranK SinaTra's s0ngS, cHrisTian coNtemporAry, chRistiAn oLdies. stRanger's in The niGht, LovE & maRRiagE, I believe ( theme song SassY GirL )


iF onLy, finDing Nem0, wiMbLedOn, shrEK1 and 2, sLeePing BeaUTy, LittLe BlaCK boOk, iTaLiAn JoB, mAnChUriAn CanDidaTe, A wALk tO rEmeMbeR, A beAuTiFuL LifE


Pinoy Abroad, CorrespondCe, PinoY Big Brother, MyX, MTV, Cartoon CHannel, Lifestyles CHanneL, DisNey CHanneL, HBO, Hallmark,


Boy MeeTs girL by JosH haRRis, PDL, CampUs jOurnaL, MED-SURG for Nursing Student, Drug Handbook, Handbook Of Diseases, As if im reading the last two books... hehehe


my ParenTs oFcouRse...JoSe RizaL