i'm inTerEsted in MusiK, guiTars, sh0es,sanDaLs, sLippeRs, aRt,acCesoRieS, maGaziNes, ceLfons,anytHinG... DUH!
wHo eVeR u myT be.. I wAnT to mEet...juST no PerVerts anD asShOLes ok? peAce Man!
loves to lisTen to FranK SinaTra's s0ngS, cHrisTian coNtemporAry, chRistiAn oLdies. stRanger's in The niGht, LovE & maRRiagE, I believe ( theme song SassY GirL )
iF onLy, finDing Nem0, wiMbLedOn, shrEK1 and 2, sLeePing BeaUTy, LittLe BlaCK boOk, iTaLiAn JoB, mAnChUriAn CanDidaTe, A wALk tO rEmeMbeR, A beAuTiFuL LifE
Pinoy Abroad, CorrespondCe, PinoY Big Brother, MyX, MTV, Cartoon CHannel, Lifestyles CHanneL, DisNey CHanneL, HBO, Hallmark,
Boy MeeTs girL by JosH haRRis, PDL, CampUs jOurnaL, MED-SURG for Nursing Student, Drug Handbook, Handbook Of Diseases, As if im reading the last two books... hehehe
my ParenTs oFcouRse...JoSe RizaL