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About Me

iM gade...I aM a ChIlD oF GoD..I wAs PuT oN EaRtH nOt By AcCidEnT bUt FoR a PurPoSe.I aM dEePlY lOvEd By GoD. I aM aCcEpTeD bY HiM. He HaS a PlaN fOr My liFe.AnD bCoS He pUt mE hErE I aM SiGnIfiCaNt...MuSiC iS My pAsSiOn..bOokS sHaRpeNs Me...hAvInG sO MaNy FrIeNdS iS hEaLtHy FoR mE.. iM a hApPy pErsOn.. i EnJoY liFe EvErY mOsT Of iT...eXpEriEncEs sHapEs My pErsOnalitY aNd MoLd mE tO wHaT i Am...
"To meet me is to instantly fall under a spell. I'm that rare jewel, the real deal. In one word: Optimistic,friendly, witty,jovial, sweet, outspoken, talented, childish, caring, dependable, protective, generous…

My Interests

tXtng, bEaCh, foOd, pIx, iNtErNeT, siLveRwOrkS, bOokS, mOviEs, tXtnG and JeSuS

I'd like to meet:

I wAnNa mEeT aNy oNe wHo iS fUn To bE wItH, SeNsIbLe oNe & OpEn mInDeD tO aNyThInG...c yAh at myspace,tagged,hi5,multiply,pinoyster,hipstir,berkzter & zwinky


mEsSaGe n A bOtTLE, ThE NotEbOoK, ThE LeGeNd oF d FaLl


bOy meEtS giRl,cHiCkEn sOuP fOr tHe cHrIstiAn tEenAge SouL 1 &2 , pUrpOse dRivEn lifE,mAgaZineS, aNd tHe bOokS oF MaRy HigGinS CLaRk aNd JoHn GRisHaM


Jesus , family and my Beloved

My Blog

my Auras Color

..> Your Aura is Red ..You have a high level of emotion. This can mean passion, but it can also mean rage.Usually, you don't take these emotions out on others. You just use them as motivation - a...
Posted by itsgade on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 02:06:00 PST

What Do People Think Of my Face?

What Your Face Says.. cequiz/face.jpg" height="100" width="100">At first glance, people see me as strong willed and stubborn. Overall, my true...
Posted by itsgade on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 01:51:00 PST

My hEaRt's cOlOr

Your Heart is Red What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla...
Posted by itsgade on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

mYsoft toned intrument

You are a flute. You are social and like to takeyour chances. You like to spread your wings andexpirience new things. You are high in spirit.You also like to talk to many people about yourviews. (...
Posted by itsgade on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

tHe k!nD oF g!RlFr!eNd i Am...

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Whichmeans you're rare or that you cheated :P You'rethe kind of chick that can hang out with yourboyfriend's friends and be silly. You don'tcare about presents...
Posted by itsgade on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

The Voice and the Words

It's not so much what you say As the manner in which you say it. It's not so much the wording you use As the tone in which you convey it. "Come here!" I sharply said, And the child cowered...
Posted by itsgade on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST