Read some of my blogs and the comments my friends leave. It will give you a more real view of who I am as opposed to anything I could possibly say. Any questions comments or suggestions can be sent to [email protected] or in that same msn messenger
I do leave you with this: Imagine you where born in a cave along with everyone else, and from birth you all were chained to a rock, facing a wall, and a fire burns brightly behind you. All your life, all you have known is the shadows that dance in front of you. But one day, the chain breaks, and you walk out. For the first time you see the beauty of the world outside. The sun, the trees, the grass and the animals, all a new to you. Excited, you run inside to tell all the others to break their chains and escape to this beautiful world. How do you convince them if chains and shadows is all they have ever known? How do you remove their fears and insecurities about that they do not understand? How do you deal with those that will rather stay chained because they can't see the light. How do you know that the world outside is the right thing for everyone? This is "Plato's Allegory of the Cave", compare it to the work of an activist. If each one of us picked one thing to fix in the world and really worked at it instead of complaining abou it, we might actually get something done. Remember that your lack of knowledge is someone else's power over you. GOOD TIMES.