I'm really in to history, I love aceint things, and aniques , I enjoy reading and things that have to do with crime, medicine and science. I really like csi its a awsome show, at the monent I'm reading devils and angles y dan brown and the devinci code. good books I like the whole conspericy thing going on between the church, the people and the goverment I wouldnt dought it if it was all true. I just wish I was in on it , being powerfull and rich but evil can suck me in. I'm a realist . lol anyways I intrested in tones of thing really. I love a good arguement abut the way the world runs hehe
friends mostly I have found loads of people on year that I haven't talked to in years. and I've some really good new friends too I love anyone with a since of homour and intresting points of views on the world we live in poets and writers, and music makers. href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vc21nLnBob3RvYnVja2 V0LmNvbS9hbGJ1bXMvdjQ2OS9hdXNzaWVmYW44OS8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3 VycmVudD12dy1oaXBwaWUtYnVzLmpwZw==" target="_blank"
href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vczE1Ni5waG90b2J1Y2 tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3QzNS9iaXlhbmcvP2FjdGlvbj12aWV3JmN1cnJlbn Q9ZHJhZ29uLmdpZg==" target="_blank"I am a music freak, I LOVE SO MANY DIFFERENT KINDS, it's nuts. I only wish I could sing lol, I love to write, but have never put it to music, I wounder what it would sound like lol with out music in my life things would not be normal I thank every artist in the world, for helping my though life with your soundsI have over 400 songs on my ipod and i cant almost say that every song is my favorite lolI love musicI love most music , but if I had to pick only one kind it would be rock any kind from classic to death metallica and korn are my most favorite , I love music that makes you want to stomp on some one lol thats funny, anyways I like rap too like 2 pac and ice cube is cool and i also love motzart and bachAT THE MOMeNT ONE OF THE BEST SONGS I'VE HEARD IN A WHILE IS ALL THE THINGS I HATE .BY BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE THEY ARE SO AWSOME. I love korn and metallica I've seen them a couple of times live, it was so fucking awsome. and at the moment placebo is something I'm really loving. hard heavy matal, death matal and any other rock, I love rap and r&b too Im just a huge music buffcant live with out it.
src="http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c288/Equinox24_/Jonny %20Depp/johnnydepp96xt.jpg" border="0" alt="jonny"I love anything funnyand crime dramasIm a huge Jonny depp fan, but who aint he's perfectI love cartoons like family guy, king of the hilltwo of my favorite shows is green wing, and CSI
funny I love anything that has to do with crime, law and hospitals I never finished high school and still have a great job, I dont have a degree but can still figure out a crime and stole for years and still like cop shows, but i'm good now. lol csi, law in order and scrubs are sweet, and ER but most of all family guy makes me happy lol ONE OF MY FAVORITE MOVIES OF ALL TIMES IS FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS LOL ITS LIKE A FLASH BACK TO ME HAHA.I ALSO LOVE GOODFELLAS THATS HELLA GOOD. I MOSTLY LIKE DRAMAS AND ANYTHING FUNNY .
ANYTHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH CRIME AND MURDER. I was reading dan brown. (devils and angels)now I'm reading a million little pieces, it's a really good book for people who have had drug problems or family members on drugs, I'm unjoying this book right now.I love dragons, owls, and scarab beetles.so any thing about them I'll read.I'm into reading ruins and crystal healing.
MY HUSBAND, CHILDERN AND FAMILY,are the most important things to me
metallica, Jim Morrison,and lewis corral are people that helped me in bad time with their greatness in writing things to help me though bad times.buddah
most of all my self, cause if anything I've helped myself the most.