I will be putting a lot of information and facts on polar bears in my blogs. Much of this is credited to PBI(Polar Bears International). They're an amazing organization and do a lot to help preserve polar bears. To check out PBI, click on their logo below.Another great site to check out is "The Sierra Club"
(More Information)Population Status Review with map and survey data compiled from the 2001 meeting of the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group. http://pbsg.npolar.no/pop-maps.htm “What has been happening to polar bears in recent decades?†by NOAA Arctic Theme Page. http://www.arctic.noaa.gov/essayschliebe.html USGS ANWR denning maps http://www.absc.usgs.gov/research/programs/mammals.htm/polar International Association for Bear Research and Management: http://bearbiology.org Protecting polar bears in Canada, The Manitoba Polar Bear Protection Act. Population status in the Southern Beaufort Sea. Polar Bears and Conservation Related Topics Climate Change Pollution Drilling and Mining Harvesting/Hunting Other Human Interactions
PLEASE READ AND TAKE ACTIONOn December 15, 2005, the Center and our partners NRDC and Greenpeace sued the Bush administration for ignoring our petition. In response, on February 9, 2006, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued a positive 90-day petition finding for polar bears, opened a 60-day comment period, and initiated a status review of the species. Finally, on December 27, 2006, the administration announced a proposed rule to list the polar bear as threatened. Comments will be accepted on the proposal until April 9, 2007, and the administration must make a final listing determination by January 9, 2008. In order to take action click the link below. This is a link to add a free polar bear roar ringtone to your cell phone. Thanx to the Center for Biological Diversity.
Greenpeace is indeed a great organization that does quite alot towards making an impact on global warming. Below is a link. Please take the time to check it out!!!!Get this widget!
A step in the right direction. PLEASE READ!!!!!!Victory in the HOUSE!Thanks to activists across the country, the United States House of Representatives passed an energy bill last week that will help to curb global warming. The bill sets efficiency standards for lighting, provides tax incentives for wind electricity production, and helps prevent runaway energy development on public lands. The bill also requires utilities to produce 15% of our nation's electricity from renewable sources such as wind and solar power by 2020, and will potentially allow select states to account for up to 4% of this target through energy efficiency.This fall, the House and Senate will have the opportunity to marry the renewable electricity standard passed in the House and the increased fuel economy standards passed in the Senate earlier this summer. Congress can make real progress on building a new energy economy and cutting global warming pollution by adopting both measures.Equally important is broad global warming legislation that will cut our nation's global warming pollution by 80% below 1990 levels by 2050 -- the level leading scientists say is achievable and necessary to avoid the worst consequences of global warming. The Sanders-Boxer Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act (S. 309) would do just that by requiring renewable electricity and setting national tailpipe pollution standards.