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I am here for Friends

About Me

"i wAnt 2 be rEmMberd as d giRl wHo aLwAys sMiles evn wHen hEr hEArt is bRoken & d one tHat coULd aLwAys bRigHten up Ur dAy evn iF sHe cOuLdn't bRigHten hEr own"~ I view life as all about lessons learned, choices made, decisions, waiting, fulfillment, but not fiasco.~ i go crazy and gaga with pistachio iceCreAm cake & yUmMy guyzz! hehe, jz kidding! ~ i ama believer that evErything hapPens 4 a rEasOn~Snake oil people is a NO-No!! ~a pErson w/ dEep senSe of ResPonsibilitY ~SWeet and SavvY~THOUGHTful~pAsSionate~mUsiC & nAtUre LovEr~KALOg / kingkoy~tRaveller~like dogs and kidz~ChAttY~soPhistiCateD~w/ LaWYer cHaracteR~GeNerous~StuBborN~AdVEnturOus~RisK TaKer~CaRinG~waRm & afFectiOnate~BuBbly EccEntriC~i hAte maArte and saRcastic~eIther ScaRed/ bRave~w/Substance~Loves sUrprises!!~dEsperate wRiter~vAst MindEd/DeeP~soMewhat mOody~Maldita as NeEded~loVes 2 wEar pErfuMe~wiLL do anYthing 4 fRieNds~has gOod seNse of diRectiOn~believes d pOweR of PRAyeR!~~iMperfeCt as everYbody else~~iNdependent that acknowledges limitations~~a COOK! ~ loVed SEAfoods~~loves 2 take photos but a little shy to pose~~i nVr kip ppOL who can't b hOneSt in their wOrds & dEedS~~bad habbit: stays UpLate & eAting aLL d time w/o gainiNg weight hehe..~~difficUlt question? "wHen 2 ppoL loVe eAch otHer & tHey can't jz be 2gther, wHen do U get 2 thAt poiNt of ..enOugh is eNoUgh..??"~~As a fRiEnD i'm an ICE (SOLID THAT MELTS IN YOUR HANDS)~~ TRUE haPpiNesS is nOt atTaineD throUgh seLf-gratiFication, bUt throUgh FiDeLitY 2 a wOrtHy pUrpose ~

I got my own Free MySpace Layout from Pyzam.com
Myspace Layouts @ JellyMuffin.com

My Interests

peOpLe, aNything thAt appeALs to wit, guitar, music, collections of CDs/VCDs/DVDs, dogtoys, books, Mugs, earings, movie marathon, mountaineering, travel is my passion, good food, net surfing.

I'd like to meet:

hopefully Matthew Fox, Josh Holloway, Drew Fuller hehe.. seriously, i would like to meet people with sense, those who add sense to life & not those who are pretenders, users and players.. not perfect but R-E-A-L ones..i admire those people who stay calm despite too much pain.. but i love those people 'seems like me' who cry 4 a while & see the real fighter after they start to smile again c",)i would love to meet people with natural sense of humor, not scared, loves adventures, people with sense and knows God..



lord of the rings, serendipity, d' butterfly effect, few good men, devil's advocate, click, broken, bcoz i said so, in her shoes, prince and me, pirates of the carribean, d' haunting, spiderman, ever after, rush hour, mission impossible, HS musical and more!!!


i'm going crazy with LOSt series, gRey's anaTomY, URban ZONE, d' baCheLor, Xtreme, SPorts Unlimited, LaGuna bEach, tRaveler's guide


bible, Belva Plain's books, blue mountains, chicken soup, 7 habbits of highly effective people, wide awake by melanie lim.


Myspace Banner Generator @ JellyMuffin.com

My Blog

beyond d beyondness of d beyondnessity <if there is such a word>

Advice for the married, planning to get married, single but not available, single and available, no love life. Eduardo Calasanz was a student at the Ateneo Manila University, Philippines, where he had...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:38:00 PST

wHat comes around goes around

What Comes Around Goes Around He almost didn't see the old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. So he pulled up in front of her Merce...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:34:00 PST

here---> in my heaRt

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want t...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:27:00 PST

aSHamed of ur feELings?

hope you like the message....   Many of us find strong feelings arising from within us, feelings that make us feel ashamed. It may be a deep anger, or even hatred, towards a parent, a former fri...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 09:23:00 PST

Check out my Guestbook!

Posted by v-y on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 05:52:00 PST


hOw LoNg? if shame had a face and home, i think it would be in your eyes. would you believe me if i said i am tired of this? well, you better believe that i tried to beat and get down to the ground i...
Posted by v-y on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 04:11:00 PST

too tired to fight it!

tOo tiRed 2 fiGht it God knows what was my intentions, He knows deep down inside me that i was accused of something that i never thought i can bear.. the sad part is, that person... that person who us...
Posted by v-y on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 04:14:00 PST

d bRave oNe

"i think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision.." so when two people love each other but they can't just be together..wHen do You get to tHat poiNt of ENOUGH is ENO...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:08:00 PST

grEatest teSt

grEatest tEsthhhmmm... i don't know what to say, well..i'm not ashame to admit that i really hurt inside..after a few years, i spared my feelings loving that person but now i need 2 say goodbye to him...
Posted by v-y on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 04:03:00 PST

facts about me

Real Name* Ivy Nel C. PolendeyNickname* v-y, vyiang, bhing, y-v, ivz, ambangAir Name* ShutsAge* 26 years oldDate of Birth* April 03, 1981Birth Stone* DiamondZodiac Sign* AriesHeight* 5'3Weight* 45 kls...
Posted by v-y on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 03:05:00 PST