Big-game hunting, Golfing, Civilising the darkies, Teatime on the lawn, Colonialism, The Stock Market Exchange, Occasional use of the Global Internet, Romance.
I would like to meet a classy lady, a real dame of distinction, preferable one who smokes fine cigars and will only drink from waterford crystal. Foreign is acceptable, preferably French or Portugreek. Must know her place.
Iam not a fan of music beyond the 1920s. I believe it died with the advent of jazz. There is nothing more stirring than the symphonies of Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin, Strazinsky and Schubert.
When visiting the film theatre I usually will accept whatever indulgence my lady friend has decided upon. However, Iam rather partial to the occasional John Wayne or Charlton Heston film, from the days when men were men, long before all of these nancy-boy "heroes" we see today.
Any sort of current affairs programming that presents both the conservative AND the neo-conservative standpoint.
John Major, George Bush Sr., Ronald Reagan, Winston Churchill, Charlton Heston, John Wayne, Spencer Tracy, Errol Flynn.