When I began making music I wanted Nessus Red to bring out the side of me that I dont tend to show in my everyday life. I always felt I had two sides to my personality. Most know me as a loud guy who tries to make others laugh and be in the spotlight when he can, and yeah thats true to an extent but I've always had another side that is more reserved. When this side is sometimes shown it surprises a lot of people. I also think when in these moods I am at my creative best and in truth more ''Me''. In trying to show this side in music form I think I have actually failed! in actual fact I think Nessus Red shows this struggle more than ever. The music is often loud and tries to take control of the listener and although has the deeper elements and dark undertones is infact against the mindset I aimed the listener to have. I dont intend to change this as I think it has a charm of its own and due to my lack of musical background sounds naive but with a guilty pleasure appeal to it. But these are just my thoughts and some would say I dont know shit!
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