Although there are some people out there that would disagree, I believe that I am a simple man, and therefore so are my interests. I like Rock ‘n’ Roll (punk rock mostly), Football (go Bills), Girls (In particular, Penelope), Tattoos (I now have 7), Politics (It's like Hollywood for ugly people), History (it’s amazing how we got to where we are today), Mandalorian history and culture (Family is more than Bloodlines), The Science of the Universe, (every day there is something new to learn), Religion (it can be quite a hypocritical paradox sometimes), and Sci-Fi Junk (geek alert).
People who would like to meet me.--------------------------
This band is called One Eyed Doll, and the song is called Recipe 4 Sucess80's Alternative: Highest Influence
Punk: Highest Influence
Ska: High Influence
90's Alternative: Medium Influence
90's Pop: Medium Influence
How's Your Taste in Music?The following is a list of things that annoy me:
Flip Flops,
Dragging your feet,
Chewing with your mouth open,
Garrulous women,
Conceited people,
Preachy people,
The American consumer mentality,
Technology that fails to do what it promises,
My lack of motivation,
Crying children,
windy days,
People who don't call or show up when they say that they will (Ladies),
To Be Continued...------------------------------------------Some things that I like:
Day Drinkin',
Girl Tendons (neck, knees, inner thighs),
Drivin' around with the tunes on,
Napping on the couch with a cool breeze blowing,
and staying in bed too fuck.
As I said, I like Rock ‘N’ Roll. I grew up listening to Punk Rock, and that has become the foundation of my music collection. However, I like pretty much everything from “Them w/ Van Morrison†to “Green Dayâ€, and “The Exploited†to “Echo and the Bunnymen.†As for music that isn't punk or ska, picture if you will a collection with a spectrum that spans from "Vanessa Carlton" to "Pantera." So, yes I listen to things other than Punk Rock, but I don’t really like rap, hippie music, hip hop, or country. However, I will always enjoy a nice classical number when it’s being played against a backdrop of gratuitous sex and violence. Thanks, Stanley Kubrick. My all time favorite song by the Clash...
Just a list: Sci-Fi, Horror, War, Comedy, Cult Classics, and some Westerns. Some of my all time favorites are: Star Wars, Say Anything, High Plains Drifter, Full Metal Jacket, Austin Powers, Heathers, and Another State Of Mind. REGISTER TO VOTE, AND DO IT!
Comedy Central, the News, Adult Swim, the History, Science, Military, Discovery, and Learning Channels. I do NOT like reality shows.-------------------------------------
Honestly, I hate to read, but I do recommend that you pick up a copy of "Please Kill Me". -------------------------------------------Quote that best describes me... "But wherever I have gone I was sure to find myself there- You can run all your life But not go anywhere"--------------Mike Ness
Comedians and singers, I wish I had the balls to do what they do.--------------------------------------------------------- ----- shit you should know----------------------------------------- Thomas Jefferson at 83 years of age felt that he would not live though the summer of 1826, but he hoped to live through July 4th (the 50th anniversary of the Declaration Of Independence). both he and John Adams died on July 4, 1826, after long distinguished careers. They had earlier been friends, and then later political enemies, and by the end of their lives maintained a steady correspondence. Adam's last words were: "Thomas Jefferson lives," not knowing that Jefferson had expired earlier that day in Virginia. Jefferson's last words were: "Is it the fourth? I resign my spirit to god, my daughter, and my country."Thomas Jefferson did not sign the Constitution of the United States of America. Neither did John Adams. They were both out of town on official business.