Not sure how you got here, but I suppose that isn't important right now. You're here, right? Well, before we begin allow me to introduce myself.
I am Josh Garrett.
You might know me as 'that guy in the play'.
And for the Twilight readers, yes, I am the guy that portrayed Edward at the Eclipse Prom, but that was long ago.
As for the present, however, I have a great deal of things going on. Allow me to share, this will take but a moment.
I am a studio manager and camera man for KAVU, the local television station, which means I play a big part (production-wise) in the morning news.
I am currently being trained to be a ballroom dancing instructor. Whenever I mention this, the first thing anyone says is 'you know how to ballroom dance?'.
I did say training, right?
On weekends I volunteer at Adopt-A-Pet.
Keep in mind these two things have only just begun with the summer, so it's not like I'm a-
(get ready for it) "vet"
Ha, that one was too clever, I'd better write it down.
While this seems like a plentiful amount of actvities, or at least they do to me, the reason's behind taking part in them are entirely selfish.
I am doing these merely as a means of keeping myself occupied. I have spent year after year accomplishing nothing save what was thrown my way, and I can't do that anymore. I want more than a day-to-day existance, and I'm the only one who's going to force myself to do it.
Phew, forgive me, running off on such tangents is not common.
And I don't even know if I used the word tangents corectly.
I should look that up.