♥ cyclops ♥ profile picture

♥ cyclops ♥

i am stabbing you with my mind

About Me

.. Hi there. If you've stumbled upon my profile in error and you have no idea who I am, you can leave now. Or if you're an idiot.. you can leave also. I hate stupidity. Though in saying that, I've been known to do some pretty dumb things myself and alas I contradict myself.

I'm Sarah. I'm in my final year of a visual arts degree, majoring in painting and I love it, no lectures is the best thing ever. I have a small group of friends, but I value each and every one of them, because they're all awesome. I have an amazing boyfriend. And a stupid cat called Monty. Except I call him Moo, or Moose. He weighs 12 kg.

Other than that I have varying interests. I love watching movies and spending time with my friends. I am obsessed with cute. Sometimes I write too much and sometimes I talk too much and sometimes people think I'm weird. Scratch that, people always think I'm weird. Probably because I am.

My Interests

a lot of music, a lot of art. my art... but usually i lust over other people's talent because i wish it was mine. cute stuff! music. yes. i said that. but it's important. and books, sometimes, reading is important. film. definitely. good film, but bad film too. anime and graphic novels. comics. collecting plushies - only weird ones. and sleeping.and my sweet boyfriend
oh and colour. and cute things. i have this obsession with cute things.

I'd like to meet:

you. and walt disney.


I used to have this long list here of bands which I like, which I'd then add to as I added more music to my collection. Suffice to say, I like a lot of music. But not shit music. Though I suppose that everyone has their own taste.
I really get excited about a lot of music. Really. A lot.


As with my music list, I decided to take off my movie list. I like film, it's one of my great passions. Nothing better than watching movies, especially when it's raining. I have a large collection of Studio Ghibli dvds. I like horror movies, old and new. And a lot of other stuff. I'll watch anything once.

My Blog

fresh bloggggg

So I had 4 other blogs but I'm purging my myspace of all unneeded content. Well... most unneeded content anyways. Who needs dumb blogs about dumb stuff. Obviously not me. 
Posted by ♥ cyclops ♥ on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:22:00 PST