~Deez & Shy~ profile picture

~Deez & Shy~

I am here for Friends

About Me

First off, we guess r "Add to Friendz" link iz broke ... damn kittahz! *Snortz* So, til mom can fix it, plz use da user short cutz or da link mom created if you'd like ta play wit us!Ok! Dere r actually 2 of us ...
I b Diezel a Mini Chinese Shar-pei almost 3 yrz old now. Since da mom haz last updated dis part, I have made lotz of progress wit ma training. 4 doze of u dat r new 'round here, I have people issuez. Mom'z been workin w/ me real hard & she will let me off da leash 2 meet some peepz. Or, if I'm already off da leash (YEP! I walk off leash unless dere'z lotz of carz or a sketchy lookin dawgiez!), she warnz da peepz dat I am in training & just not pet me. Sum smellz good, but I still give em a lil scare if dey move too fast or talk 2 me.
I luvz goin furr walkz, drinkin from da lake (I DON'T swim!), ma banana treatz, ridin in ma car, playin tug o war, & I swearz dere'z still somthin 2 doze squirrelz! ... MUST GET ME 1!!
I b Shyloh, a rescue, Pei Pain-in-da-butt mix. I'z not sure if dat last part iz a real dawgy, but mom sayz dat'z wat I am. I'll b 1 dis year & I'm still really shy round peepz. I barkz at em n RUN! Heck, I barkz at anything! I hate walkz! I will do anything 2 get back home, even tear my nailz off on da pavement & choke myself. I have a speshul collar dat helpz sometimez, but dere r too many noisez & other thingz outside ... I b ALL set! I do like goin down da path tho! Dad will even let me offa ma leash sometimez & I just run & run!
I still have 2 stay in ma crate when it'z just Deez & I home. I love 2 chew sheetz, couchez, shoez, anything plastic, Netflix moviez, dish towelz, & many other thingz. Thinkz dat'z why dey crate me ...?! I like 2 play w/ ma toyz too, which I have many, but doze other thingz r just too tempting!
I do have sum good in me, way way down! I love playin fetch, indoorz of course. Mom sayz I pay very good attn when dey try trick throwz on me. I don't fall 4 it & keep ma eyez on da ball & sometimez catch it in da air. I can balance my front pawz on em & pick em up & hold em in da air while upside down. I also have very good dexterity, whateva dat iz. I jus know I can run real fast & trick Deez out while playin, jump sidewayz onto ma couch while runnin from him, leap ova him, or duck under him if he chargez me! Mom sayz I must have 1 more brain cell den him! But den I do sumthin stoopid like growl or start a real fight w/ Deez, & dat brain cell count goez down again.
I have perfected all da trickz I have been taught. But dat'z bout it. Mom sayz I b goin thru a bad phase right now. They be workin harder w/ me than Deez cuz I have more serious issuez. Ma daycare even sed I waz an aggressive player & bumped me into da bigger dawgiez group. Guessin I scared da "chew toy" dawgiez! BOL! Ah well, guess dat'z wat can happen 2 an abandoned puppei ... least I have a lovin, dedicated family now!

My Interests

Slimin peepz w/ our tonguez, playin outside in da yard, long walkz (4 Deez!), chewin on eachother, playin fetch, kissin, snortin like pigz, & ice cubez. OH, dem kittahz & squirrelz too ... BOL!

I'd like to meet:

We luv all fuzzy friendz! Bring your toyz & stop on by! Hope ya don't mind r slobberz! Add Us! | Sniff Our Budz | See Pei Blurbz | Our Picz | Add Commentz


We b stuck listenin 2 whatever iz on. We kinda likin dis reggae stuff tho.


Action, suspense, or anythin dat movez so we can chase em in front of da tv.


Almost anythin on Animal Planet (cept 4 dat early morn sunrise show ... makez us hafta pee!), Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Oddparents & anythin else mom & dad put on 2 drain out da train noisez dat make us WOOF!


They b yummy!


Wrinklez rule! We don't need no stinkin heroez!

My Blog

I’ve been tagged by DePei’s mom!

Here are the rules. Each player starts with ten random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their own ten things and post these rules. At the end of...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 05:31:00 PST


Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird/random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you chose 5 pups to be tagged, list their names, and why you chose th...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Thu, 22 Nov 2007 06:00:00 PST


Well, mom & dad took me back to the Barking Dog again to be re-evaluated on my progress and also address the fact that Shyloh really is a mini me, mimicking my protective behaviour at home.&n...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 05:02:00 PST

Dogz Letter To God

Dear God: Why do humans smell the flowers, but seldom, if ever, smell one another? Dear God: When we get to heaven, can we sit on your couch? Or is it still the same old story? Dear God: Why are there...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:23:00 PST

To our dog loving friends:

Ten Peeves that Dogs Have About Humans1.  Blaming your farts on me... not funny... not funny at all !!!2.  Quit yelling at me for barking ... I'M A FREAKIN' DOG, YA DUMMY!3.  Taking me ...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 06:05:00 PST

Pet Rules

"To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please...
Posted by ~Deez & Shy~ on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 05:55:00 PST