Where my heart lies...Animals, Art, Music, Dream Analysis, Psychology, Philosophy (Freedomainradio.com), Photography, and Travel.
I enjoy almost every kind of music.
Drop Dead Fred, Fast Food Nation,The Squid and the Whale,thumbsucker,the darwin awards,lil miss sunshine,Zeitgeist,America:Freedom to Fascism most of Wes Anderson's stuff, waking life, monster, pecker, Magnolia, pricess mononoke,rocky horror, white oleander, the hours,fight club, almost famous, singles, KILL BILL, eternal sunshine and then for the childhood favorites: return to oz, never ending story, pete's dragon, milo and ottis, and.......the making of thriller... do do do.
TV is evil. I still love it. SpaceGhost, The Young Ones, Absolutely Fabulous (dahling!), funny oddball shows from Sid and Marty Kroft, and Comedy Central shows
Both of these authors discuss deeply important topics such as Psychology and PhilosophyStefan Molyneux (Freedomain Radio Host: "Real Time Relationships" "On Truth: The Tyranny Of Illusion"Alice Miller: "The Truth Will Set You Free", "The Drama Of The Gifted Child"
Curious people who ask alot of questions to fully understand the things they care about.