Welcome to the Myspace home of the Oakley Jib-Vid, the freshest riding and filming competition for snowboarders and skiers in Europe.
The Oakley Jib-Vid is one of Europes most popular riding competitions and attracts some of the strongest snowboarders, skiers and filmers the industry has to offer. It is also a week of pure enjoyment for all those who enjoy being in the mountains, riding and partying. You will be able to ride as the contest happens and party each night with the live music which is going on both in the park, pubs and clubs around Hintertux & Mayrhofen.
The OAKLEY JIB VID was a major success, with amazing films and everyone walking away with a smile after a week of pure enjoyment.To check out the 2008 Oakley Jib Vid, please visit: www.jib-vid.com
or checkout:
and search for Jib Vid 2008. We are in the process of loading up the top videos for you all to watch here on Myspace.
All of the teams arrived in Mayrhofen, registered and got the rules explained, got some rest, kicked some ass on the hill, produced their films and enjoyed all the shaninighans of the entertainment supplied by funkysalad all week.
On the presentation night there was a killer party involving, The Films being presented, "DEVILS GUN" rocking the Dance floor. Followed by Clash Magazine Djs, it was a night not to miss.Check out the main bands link below. (www.myspace.com/devilsgun)
Please also check out www.jib-vid.com to keep updated.
The films are amazing, pass them around and spread the word.
Get yourself to Mayrhofen once again next year for more of the same from the OAKLEY JIBVID. enjoy the rest of the winter season and keep posted.
To find out more information please email us here on Myspace or please go jib-vid.com where you can get more information about the competition.
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