Sports, Music, News, Politics, listening to Coast to Coast AM. Figuring out what so many have questioned. Writing. Self loathing and second guessing myself on why I root for so many Ohio sports teams who can't quite bring home all of the bacon,... and I probably always will.
Me in ten years, and see if I like what I've done to get there. (Check back on 1/13/2016)
Twist of Nothing, Incubus, Sublime, Nirvana, Metallica, Our Lady Peace, I Mother Earth, Pantera, Snoop Dogg, Fiona Apple, Jewel, Alice In Chains, Chili Peppers, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Limp Bizkit, Korn, Weezer, Soma, Crazy Eddie, Fuzz Installment
Pulp Fiction, The Stand, Green Mile, The Departed, Spiderman 2
Law and Order, Simpson's, Quantum Leap, Family Guy, McGarnagle, NYPD Blue, News, ESPN, Wonder Years, Food Network, HGTV, ESPN etc...
The Broker, The Stand, Son of Sniglet, DaVinci Code, Catherine Hepburn's "Me", Tex, The Book of Three series, is T.V. Guide a book?
George Noory (Had to list the host of Coast to Coast AM here since Radio is not a category)