Sony Chan profile picture

Sony Chan

Love is blind

About Me

I have always loved to perform since my childhood, but I used to be first an architect and after a fashion buyer. Two years ago, I met a wonderful friend who had become my producer. Roger always reminds me never to forget that I am unique. I guess we all are in a way.Myspace really brought me lots of interesting encounters. Now some dear DJ have started mixing my songs in Europe and u can hear my songs sometimes on the radio in Hongkong. And I just got to act in a TV movie.I prepare also a musical later in Paris, I will let u know when I am on stage. Thanks for visiting my page and I really try to write to each of my correspondents. I do remember all your names.Blessings. (for more, please check:

Clip Dying the same date

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My Interests


Member Since: 6/22/2007
Band Website:
Influences: I grew up in Hong Kong, so I have been very much influenced by Canto-pop. ( En grandissant à Hong Kong, j'ai beaucoup écouté la variété cantonaise) The melody is very important to me, and I definitely love to dance and perform. (Une bonne mélodie est indispensable, et mes intérets restent la danse et la scène). Some professionals call my style glamourous et electronic. Let it be GLAM ELECTRO". (Certains pro me disent que mon style est électronique et glamour, alors soyons GLAM ELECTRO)
Sounds Like: personne
Record Label: produced by ZEL PRODUCTION
Type of Label: Indie