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Luxure tribute page (1984-1990)

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Alcune foto dei Luxure ad Arezzo Wave (1990):
Some pictures of the Luxure at Arezzo Wave (1990):

Formatisi nel 1984 tutti giovanissimi (17 anni), i Luxure hanno pubblicato tre demotape, "Draw up your chair", "Yiddish"(dedicato ad Albert Camus) e "Luck,Marry Me". La band ha partecipato a vari festival, vincendo il " Premio Musica" di Vicenza nel 1985 e "Vota la voce" di Soave (Verona) nel 1989, partecipandoinoltre ad Arezzo Wave nel 1990, poco prima dello scioglimento. Il 2000 ha visto una breve reunion per "There is A Light That Never Goes Out" , il CD tributo agli Smiths con lapartecipazione di numerosi gruppi italiani.
I brani qui presentati sono stati recuperati da registrazioni su cassetta, in quanto i master originali sono andati perduti: "It Makes No Difference" è statoprodotto da Steve Hill, con la partecipazione di Charlie Out Cazale, rispettivamente chitarrista e cantante dei Frigidaire Tango. Il brano è stato registratonello studio Art Music di Bassano nel novembre/dicembre 1986 ed è comparso in una compilation di gruppi vicentini.
"The Bizarre" è stata pubblicata nel 1989 nella demotape "Luck, Marry Me", e registrata tra l'agosto e il settembre 1989 nello studio "ras" di Verona. Unaversione live del brano "The Bizarre" è stata inoltre pubblicata nella compilation di Arezzo Wave del 1990 in cui Mark Brenda dei Frigidaire Tango ha suonatoassieme ai Luxure, diventando per un breve periodo il tastierista del gruppo nel 1990. Il brano "Before The Worries" vede appunto l'ultima formazione conBrenda alle tastiere.
When Luxure formed in 1984 they were all very young (17 years old) and during their career they published three demotapes: "Draw up yourchair", "Yiddish" (devoted to Albert Camus) and "Luck, Marry Me". The band participated in various festivals, winning "Premio Musica" in Vicenza in 1985 and"Vota la voce" in Soave (Verona) in 1989. They also participated in Arezzo Wave in 1990, just before splitting up. In 2000 they reunited for a short time inorder to record a track for "There is A Light That Never Goes Out" , thetribute CD to the Smiths in which many Italian and international bands participated.
The tracks you can listen to here have been recovered from tape recordings, as the original masters have been lost: "It Makes NoDifference" was produced by Steve Hill, together with Charlie Out Cazale, respectively the guitarist and singer to Frigidaire Tango. This track was recordedat the Art Music studio in Bassano in November/December 1986 and was published in a compilation of bands belonging to the Vicenza area.
"The Bizarre" was published in 1989 in the demotape by the title "Luck, Marry Me", and it was recorded between August and September 1989in the studio "ras" in Verona. A live version of "The Bizarre" was also published in the Arezzo Wave compilation of 1990, where Mark Brenda of FrigidaireTango played together with the Luxure, becoming their keyboard player for a brief period in 1990. The track by the title "Before The Worries" was playedtogether with Brenda at the keyboard.
THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT - Il CD del tributo italiano agli SMITHS... 21 gruppi internazionali (in maggioranza italiani) hanno suonato delle coverdi brani degli Smiths per Speedway, la fanzine italiana degli Smiths e di Morrissey. In questa compilation i Luxure hanno pubblicato la cover di "PleasePlease Please Let Me Get What I Want".
THERE IS A LIGHT THAT NEVER GOES OUT - The Italian tribute CD to the SMITHS... 21 international bands (mostly Italians) played Smiths'covers for Speedway, the Italian fanzine of The Smiths and Morrissey. In this compilation the Luxure published the cover of "Please Please Please Let Me GetWhat I Want".
Il CD Arezzo Wave del 1990 contiene una versione live di "The Bizarre":
The Arezzo Wave CD of 1990 contains a live version of "The Bizarre":
Le copertine originali di "Luck, Marry Me", versione rosa (ufficiale) e bianca (edizione limitata):
The original covers of "Luck, Marry Me", pink version (official) and white version (limited edition):
La copertina della versione promo di "Luck, Marry Me" (edizione limitata):
The cover of the promo version of "Luck, Marry Me" (limited edition):
La cover originale di "Draw Up your Chair":
The original cover of "Draw Up your Chair":
La cover originale di "Yiddish":
The original cover of "Yiddish":
Tutti i brani pubblicati, tra demotape e compilation:
All published tracks, from demotapes to compilations:
2000: Compilation: "There is a Light That Never Goes Out"
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (The Smiths)
1990: Compilation: "Arezzo Wave"
The Bizarre (Live)
1989: "Luck, Marry Me"
A Side:
The Bizarre
The Flabes
When I have Again My Love
B Side:
Saltiamo l'oceano
Natural Flavours
Fragile Flower
Before the Worries
1986: Compilation: "Vicenza Progetto Musica"
It Makes No Difference
1985: "Yiddish"
Before the Worries
Romantic and the Square
Sitting in the Sea
1984: "Draw Up Your Chair"
Stupidi ragazzi rinchiusi
Severe Punishment
So Little To Die
I Don't Remember His Face
Il primo periodo New Wave (1985-1987):
The first New Wave period (1985-1987):

Alcune foto dei maggiori articoli della stampa musicale sui Luxure (1985-1990):
Some pictures of the most important articles by the music media on Luxure (1985-1990):


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Member Since: 6/22/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
George Marry - Vocals

Max V (rustyjam) - Guitars

Charlie Hill - Drums

Charles Barrett - Bass

Influences: The Smiths
Simple Minds
Depeche Mode
The Beatles
David Bowie
Duran Duran
Soft Cell
Culture Club
Echo and the Bunnymen
LLoyd Cole and the Commotions
Dali's Car
Big Country
Public Image Limited
Billy Bragg
The Cure
New Order
Adam and the Ants
The Police
The Sound
Frigidaire Tango
Siouxie and the Banshees
The Associates
...e molti altri!
Sounds Like: Luxure
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Press release: New article on Luxure in Mira el Péndulo

For those interested, and for those who can read Spanish, there is an interesting article on Luxure in the online music magazine "Mira el Péndulo", an indiepop journal from South America. In short, th...
Posted by Luxure on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 02:12:00 PST