-=FiNi=- profile picture


<font color=violet~DeViL NeFaRiOuS~

About Me

In the dawn an angel was dancing sorrounded by an aura of light But in the shadows something was watching and with patience awaiting the night
Angel whispers: "Mournful night, attractive night, your dark beauty obsesses me"
An angel bewitched by the shadows
Seduced by the whispering lies
A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
The blackness that falls is coming to stay
Under the snow lies angels so cold
Dusk has passed and a cold morning breeze, is sweeping all over the plain,
On the ground lies an angel with skin so pale,
On her face an image of pain,
Snow is now falling to the frozen ground,
The angel is covered by white,
Frost is spreading across the plain, to welcome the eternal night.
The dress is white with crystals of ice and frozen roses so red
Roses of blood from an innocent soul
On the plain lies an angel dead
A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky black clouds were gathering
The silence was broken by cries
A spell was cast an the sky turned red
The angel's heart froze to ice
In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie
Touch the snow...Caress the lifeless sculptures Die!!!
The blackness that falls is coming to stay,
Under the snow lies angels so cold,
Yet with each crystal of frost that is falling, another story is told,
A spell was cast an the sky turned red,
The angel's heart froze to ice,
In the gloomy sky - The silence where dead angels lie...~GoTHiC RoMaNCe~ ~GoTHiC RoMaNCe~
.. img src="http://photobucket.com/albums/v607/devilnefarious/th_27 0_7087.jpg"

My Interests


*ROCK/WALL CLIMBING* *SupRa* *bLaCk* *FaSt CaRs* *NaRuTo* *iGuaNa* *sNaKes* *RaViNg* *VamPiReS* *WitcHcRaFt* *CuT MySeLf To bLeeD* *LiViNg DeaD DoLLs* *fLiRTiNg* *sLeePiNg* *SwiMmiNg* *sHoPpiNg* *CaRs* *pLay GaMeS* *MANCHESTER UNITED* *aNiMe* *MaNga* *CaRs* *MeeTiNg PeOpLe* *LoLLyPoPs* *RuGRaTs* *eMiLy tHe sTRaNgE* *HoNeYDeW PeaRL MiLk TeA* *SoLeRo sHoTs* *cHiKoo* *DeNiM sKiRtS* *DaYdReaMiNg* *RaouL*

I'd like to meet:

...No oNe iN PaRTiCuLaR...



*i LiSTeN To aLMosT aNytHiNg**MUSE* *TieSTo* *PauL VaN DyKe* *BeNnY BeNaSsi* *aRMiN VaN BuuReN* *FeLiX tHe HouSeCaT* *sTeVe LaWLeR* *CaRL CoX* *PauL oKeNFoLd* *FeRRy CoRsTeN* *MisS KiTTiN* *sVeN VaTh* *JoHn DiGWeeD* *KaTe RyaN* *tHe uSeD* *HIM* *ThE KiLLeRs* *YeLLowCaRd* *iNCuBuS* *cRadLe oF FiLtH* *RaDioHeaD* *SiGuR RoS* *SiLveRcHaiR* *sTaRSaiLoR* *eVaNesceNces* *PearL JaM* *auDiosLaVe* *CoLdpLay* *DisTuRbeD* *sTaTic X* *JeWeL* *BACH* *PeTeR PaN* *uSHeR* *BoNe ThuGz n HaRmoNy* *sTaiNd* *aLaNis MoRisSetTe* *LinKiN PaRk* *cRanBeRRieS* *2PaC* *TiMo MaaS* *LosTpRopHeTs* *DiSNey's SoNgz* *CaRbuRaToR DuNg* *CypReSs HiLL* *DeFToNeS* *gReeN DaY* *No DouBt* *OaSiS* *SySTeM oF a DowN* *WeeZeR* *PoRTiSHeAd* *CaTcH 22* *aTReYu* *BiC RuNga* *311* *BaDLy dRoWn BoYs* *TeLePoPMuSiK* *FiNCh* *KoFFiN KaNseR* *snow patrol* *KeaNe* *My cHeMiCaL RoMaNce* *TaKiNg BacK SuNdaY* *MaTcHBooK RoMaNce* *DasHBoaRd CoNFesSioNaL* *tHe KiLLeRs* *FuNeRaL FoR a fRieNd* *sToRy oF tHe YeaR* *aLKaLiNe tRio* *tHuRsDaY*
..aNd tHe LiSt GoeS oN...



*NaRuTo..NaRuTo..NaRuTo* *LoRd oF tHe RiNgS* *SePeT* *iNTeRvieW WiTh VaMpiRe* *QueeN oF tHe DamNeD* *uNDeRworLd* *tHe cRoW* *VaN HeLLSiNg* *HoNeY* *aMeRiCaN HiSToRy X* *WiZaRd oF OZ* *pReTTy WoMeN* *y Tu MaMa TamBieN* *gRaVe oF FiRefLieS* *SouTHpaRk* *iCe aGe* *CaSpeR* *sHRek* *cRaZyBeauTiFul* *ThE GoDFaTHeR* *BaBy's DaY OuT* *SpiRiTeD aWaY* *LiTtLe MeRmaiD* *MonSTeRs iNc* *FiNDiNg NeMo* *RuGRaTs* *YouNg & DaNgeRouS* *My HiME* *bLeaCh*
...n tHe LiSt GoeS oN...



*LaTTe aT 8* *QuEeR EyE FoR A sTRaiGht GuY* *PiLLoW TaLks* *LiZzie McGuiRe* *F.R.I.E.N.D.S* *cHaRmeD* *FeaR FaCToR* *FUTURAMA* *sPoNGeBoB sQuaRePaNTs* *RuGRaTs* *My FaiR LaDy* *aLiaS* *CSI* *PaNgaKo Sa Yo* *tHe O.C* *DeSPeRaTe HouSeWiVeS* *JoEy* *PiMp My RiDe* *sMaLLviLLe*
...aNd tHe LiSt GoeS oN...


*HaRRy PoTTeR* *c++* *cHeMisTRy n BioLoGy TextBooks..erkk* *MaSTeRiNg MacRoMeDia DReaMWeaVeR MX* *tHe DeViL WeaRs pRaDa* *PS,I LoVe YoU * *cLeO* *SaiLoRmooN* *dRaGoN BaLL* *EiJi* *LoRd oF tHe RiNgS*
uRm..uRm..HaVe No iDea..



..my PaPa... naruto.. sasuke.. gaara.. itachi.. KAKASHI.. baby"him"..

My Blog

:: FoRGiVeNeSs ::

Forgive and forget..works nicely as a cliche, but in real life..overcoming the past is rarely so simple...i have my own ups and downs..some days, when i am not feeling very well,i can get angry..moody...
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Unable so lost, I can't find my way, Been searching, but I have never seen, A turning, a turning from deceit. Cause the child roses like, Try to reveal what I could feel, I can't understand...
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


May there be Beauty above me, May there be Beauty below me, May there be Beauty in me, May there be Beauty all around me...
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~GoTHiC RoMaNcE~

Evening minuetto in a castle by the sea A jewel more radiant than the moon Lowered Her mask to me The sublimest creature the Gods, full of fire Would marvel at making their Queen Infusing the air...
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

-=::ThaT i WouLd Be::=-

That i would be good even if i did nothing That i would be good even if i got the thumbs down That i would be good if i got and stayed sick That i would be good even if i gained ten pounds That ...
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


LOVE is not to forget but to forgive not to see but understand not to hear but to listen not to let go but HOLD ON... Love begins with a smile grows with a kiss and...ends with a memory....
Posted by -=FiNi=- on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST