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Quentin terentino!!!!!!! the writers of nip tuck.
snoop doog,r and b ,rap, rock, heavy metal.... slip knott, system of the down, big daddy yankie,carmon jara... latin music. everything accept country.
ALL of quentin terrentinos movies!!!!!!! horror movies, comedy,some love stories but, not much...jay and silent bob movies hell yah!!!! brat pack movies,how high,friday!!!! chris tucker movies... john cusac, is my favorite movie!!!!true romance is my second fav.anne of green gables movies.
addicted to passions. i am a chanel surfer.i do like one tree hill law and order svu.. nip tuck!!!!!
wuthering heights,pride and predjiduce,dr. shavago. the giving tree. poetry.
my daughter. i admire her . she has nothin holding her back, she cares what no one thinks, she is free to speak her mind, she looks at you with no judgements, she loves without wanting or needing anything in return there is no price. she has no fear of people or things. she is strong and smart and pure. when sad she has sincere concern. to me she has all the qualities that people a decade older than her should have these days she is the example of hero cause she reminds me every day of what a deceant human being should be. she saved me from myself. I would not be here without her.