Music, Art, Photography, Design, Fashion, Food, Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Science, Computers, Anime, Hentai, Comics, Video Games, Drinking, Sex, Kink, Fetishism, People, Life, Evolving
Hmmm... You know I'm not really all that sure lately. Ask me again tomorrow; perhaps fate will have told me by then.
Punk, Rock, Industrial, Techno, Classical, J-Pop, 80's In truth just about anything and everything depending on mood. I appreciate music that means something.
I enjoy Foreign cinema, Black and white films, Any and all Animation, Indie films, and Martial art flicks.
Cartoons, Art/Design programs, and Historical/Educational programs. Favorite channels include: Cartoon Network, G4, TLC, DSC, HIST, NGC, SCI FI, BRAVO, IFC, Sundance, & MTV2.
Are a good thing we should all read more.
My Father, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Joan of Ark, Gomez Addams, Jane Lane, Shigeru Miyamoto, Masseur Ichi, Doc Holiday, Sean Armstrong, and the Marquis De Sade