The 152 Cat profile picture

The 152 Cat

More alike in Mercutio than that of Romeo

About Me

I drink too much, smoke too little, eat bad foods, and fool around with desperate women. I’ve been in sixteen car accidents(none of which were my fault, never had a single injury of note), almost been struck by lightning twice, attended to so many funerals I’ve lost count, and have been lucky enough to have known actual love twice. Video Games, Sex, Rainstorms, and Asian Cuisine make me happiest. I wear five pound steel toe, steel plate boots with t-shirts that have half naked Anime girls on the front underneath second hand shop sport coats. While I can talk for hours on matters of Politics, Technology, The Arts, Theology, or any number of assorted topics I’d rather enjoy intimate one on one discussions on life and the human soul. I’m willing to die for my friends though I’d prefer to live and see them smile. I can’t dance but I can fuck quite well. I can cook, build a computer, stitch up a cut, and help move heavy furniture so I’m decent with my hands. I used to be an artist but now I’m just a man with too many ideas. I don’t lie unless I have to and my honesty has been known to leave scars. I don’t wear the uniform of any particular click because I’m not like anyone else you’ve known. I couldn't care less about how others have been with you in the past unless it’s going to get in the way of us and the future. For now I just need to know your name and what drink I’m buying you. So basically I’m just another Punk fuck up.
You are Mike!
Which SLC Punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla ...

My Interests

Music, Art, Photography, Design, Fashion, Food, Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Science, Computers, Anime, Hentai, Comics, Video Games, Drinking, Sex, Kink, Fetishism, People, Life, Evolving

I'd like to meet:

Hmmm... You know I'm not really all that sure lately. Ask me again tomorrow; perhaps fate will have told me by then.


Punk, Rock, Industrial, Techno, Classical, J-Pop, 80's In truth just about anything and everything depending on mood. I appreciate music that means something.


I enjoy Foreign cinema, Black and white films, Any and all Animation, Indie films, and Martial art flicks.


Cartoons, Art/Design programs, and Historical/Educational programs. Favorite channels include: Cartoon Network, G4, TLC, DSC, HIST, NGC, SCI FI, BRAVO, IFC, Sundance, & MTV2.


Are a good thing we should all read more.


My Father, Vincent Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Joan of Ark, Gomez Addams, Jane Lane, Shigeru Miyamoto, Masseur Ichi, Doc Holiday, Sean Armstrong, and the Marquis De Sade

My Blog

"I am the three legged Dog and Worlds smallest Horse"

Hello again for all of those who are reading this(Harley). I thought I'd take a moment to share with you this bit of knowledge I've learned about myself and the world of relationships. This blogs titl...
Posted by The 152 Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Most of the time options are a good thing; always having more than one choice to make gives a person more freedom in how they move forward in life. Conversely finding yourself in a position with no op...
Posted by The 152 Cat on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 04:06:00 PST

Notable Quotables Part 1

The following are actual quoted statements various people have made about me throughout my time. Some were compliments, while others where meant as insults. I thought it might be an interesting way to...
Posted by The 152 Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Tap the keg...

Well the time has finally first blog. Sort of anti-climactic really. But for whatever reason I've decied to begin posting my inner most thoughts and desires here for you all to peruse. More...
Posted by The 152 Cat on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST