"Carolina" St. Jane profile picture

"Carolina" St. Jane

The Official Carolina St. Jane MySpace

About Me

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Myspace CodesHi, my name is Stephanie Jane from South Carolina… aka Carolina St. Jane. I am a southern girl who has been around the world. I was born and raised in Charleston and have lived for several years in the SoCal scene. I just got back from a trip to Africa and I can honestly say, the US is the best place in the world. I enjoy everything 40's/50’s and my daddy’s BBQ. Hot rods, choppers and greasers have always been a way of life along with swing dancing and Elvis. A perfect night out would be Hank III, some quarters on the pool table, a pitcher of beer and my man. There so much more to come so stay tuned!!
..Excited to be working with Cripple Dog on there upcoming events!MySpace Layouts provided by

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Myspace.com Blogs - Spooky Hot Rod Shoot in Atl w/ St.Jane and Cherry Dame - "Carolina&quo

Check out my blog for details.

My Interests

.. I enjoy checking out the scene all over the country. Lots of cool guys and gals out there. I love seeing all the different rods and hearing some of the great up-n-coming bands. Espcially in small town venues.Coming SOON to Charleston SC! I am moving my Photography Business from Cali. for all your Hot Rod & Pin-up needs!TYSON's Art is Amazing!

I'd like to meet:

All you sly, slick, Cats & Dolls in the Rockabilly, Pin-up, & Hot Rod world!


Hope to See Everyone OUT at the SHOW Next Year!I had a Kick A** Time! Hope You'll All Be Out Next Year.

My Blog

Spooky Hot Rod Shoot in Atl w/ St.Jane and Cherry Dame

Halloween Shoot Filling Up Fast... 4-5th October in Atlanta. MUAH by Cherry Dame Props and halloween outfits will be available, but you are welcomed to bring your own. Spooky Special: 2 outfit...
Posted by "Carolina" St. Jane on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:42:00 PST