Dancing, Golf, Fencing, Movies, Cooking, Walking, Shopping, Paintball, Traveling, Wines, and a lot more that I haven't figured out yet.
I think I have enough friends... Supposively Petey said I got over 1mm people connected to me on my aim soo... that doesn't look too good for my end... lol anyways... if you're not into your career already... then "NO" i don't want to meet you... if you don't have motivation & drive... then "NO" i don't want to meet you... if you're a sorry excuse for an existance and probably won't amount to anything in your life... then... "NO" i don't want to meet you... Especially guys who are sorry POS that treats females like they are inferior when in all reality... they're the inferior pieces of shit that ran into a lot of luck bumping into the girl they got now...
Classical, Jazz, 80's, Contemporary, Operas, Musicals, R&B, hip hop, rock, and damn I guess I like a lot of things huh?
I love all movies, but I like a lot of films that are by Stanley Kubrick (or however you spell his last name).
Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul
Provided by ..
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles; Harry Potter (I've read them all); Trance-Formation (crazy ass book on the human pscyhe);