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Peter the Great

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

For you, the curious reader, I will assume the task of explaining who I am by completing this little introspective exercise. As best as I can assess myself, I am an eccentric, passionate, and impetuous individual. I am myself most unabashedly, and without apology. My loves in life include art, reading, philosophy, culture, and mischief. My sense of humor is a prominent aspect of my character. If you know me well enough it will eventually wear off on you. At this point, I have lost the will to write any further. Besides, a person is far more compelling if some things are left in mystery. Overall, I am a real barrel of monkeys.And now a final thought... MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with whom I can have a good time; Artists, musicians, thinkers, and anyone with a creative impulse; I would also like to meet an intelligent, open-minded, and adventurous woman.


Metal, modern, alternative, and classic rock; Anything within the realm of classical music.


A Clockwork Orange, Dr. Strangelove, 2001: a Space Odyssey, Lawrence of Arabia, Apocalypse Now, Dark City, Alien, Aliens, The Empire Strikes Back, Metropolis, The Exorcist, The Passion of the Christ, Equilibrium, Predator, Fight Club, 1984, The Thing, The Matrix, A Very Long Engagement, Babe, Titus, Tetsuo: The Ironman, Thank You for Smoking, Oldboy, Art School Confidential, A Scanner Darkly, Little Miss Sunshine, Eraserhead, Sling Blade


Movies satisfy my need for audio-visual stimulation, so I seldom watch tv but for new episodes of South Park. I enjoy documentaries as well, but find reading to be a far more rewarding experience. My television serves primarily as a conduit for my favorite movies, which I tend to watch repeatedly.


Candide [Voltaire], The Brothers Karamazov [Dostoevsky], Grendel [Gardner], The Fall; The Stranger; The myth of Sisyphus; The Plague [Camus], Nausea [Sartre], Philosophy in the Bedroom [De Sade] The Prophet [Gibran], Heart of Darkness [Conrad] The Agony and the Ecstacy [Stone], A Clockwork Orange [Burgess], Animal Farm; 1984 [Orwell]House of Leaves; Only Revolutions [Danielewski], Lord of the Flies [Golding], Beowulf, Oedopus the King; Antigone [Sophocles]

My Blog

Peter is Hegelian. What are you?

.."  >You scored as Hegelian, You are a Hegelian. You believe that history has a discernible direction and that human life on earth is a story of pr...
Posted by Peter the Great on Fri, 25 May 2007 11:14:00 PST

Contest update: Pete brings home the win

If you read my previous entry, the title of this one should make sense. To bring anyone else up to speed, I won an art contest sponsored by the novelist Mark Z. Danielewski for his latest book, O...
Posted by Peter the Great on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:14:00 PST

Only Revolutions contest art

This piece is based on the novel Only Revolutions by Mark Z Danielewski and was done for a contest held by the author. If it's chosen, my work could be in the paperback edition of the book, which woul...
Posted by Peter the Great on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:38:00 PST

The colors, Duke. The colors.

Upon brief inspection, I have determined that many folks in the myspace community have just recently discovered the color sepia. Furthermore, they have apparently gone apeshit for monochromatic s...
Posted by Peter the Great on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:01:00 PST