FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! profile picture

FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!!

What was I thinking? If it's too good to be true it probably is. *shrug*-Chicago 60613/ DI8 and Lake

About Me

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Born and raised in Chicago- The Nort Side! Heeeey! Chicago is my home and always will be my home..*sigh* I just reside in another place.
Family and Friends, small but worthy come first and always.
I'm not here looking for a date nor to entertain, stroke egos...make people feel better about themselves..Feed insecurities...or to be toyed and tinkered with..etc. You can go stick your 25 cents in someone elses machine.
If you tempt to call me anything such as "Darling", "Sweetheart", "Baby", "Sugar", "Honey" or "Hon", etc. I will bust your jaw. It's annoying and a big turn off.(Unless you're Rodney- Cause he doesn't count..haha)
I'am who I'am.....I'm just Diane aka FRI13th Computers/My Tattoos/Music/My Instruments..My Dogs..Coffee/no sugar/no cream-Black...No Cigarettes(I just quit smoking)..(and I just started again)..Haha/DEVO/PS2/Atari/25 cent arcade games/Swedish Fish Candies..Zotz/Green Olives/Toast/Making videos/Making Music/Making popcorn/Making people laugh and making you cry... I bite my finger nails. I even bite the tips of my fingers until they bleed. I have bloody fingers. It's a crazy habit. I have a thing for bread twist ties. I collect them. I enjoy brushing my teeth. I get excited when I buy a new toothbrush. I like doing the Robot. Some people "get it", and some don't. Do you? ;) I'm a Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Best Friend, Musician, Photographer, Videographer, Model (for DEVO-Haha), Finacial Advisor/Planner, Engraver Extraordinaire, Computer Geek, Volunteer, Teacher (more later)
Random facts (Coming soon)
1. I never had a visit from the so called "Tooth Fairy"
2. I accidentally knocked out a kids front tooth, then asked him to give me a quarter.
3. When I was 5 Santa asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I told him "A Piano".
4. Santa got me an orange colored plug in Organ.I knew from that day on there was no such person as Santa. But Hey, I didn't complain!
I may seem a bit naive, that's just my laid back kind, gentle nature--BUT, I've certainly been around the block. So, just a word of advice-Don't let my kindness or naive vibe fool you. Cause I can f^ck you up. Haha!
I like girlie things (I LOVE Cucumber Melon scent *sniff sniff* ahhh) and I have no problem hanging out with the guys. I burp loud and often..and hell I even fart! But I also know there is a time and place for everything. I do know how to act like a lady.. I guess that's what happens growing up with two brothers...Haha
Blah, blah, blah..You all know already what I like..haha I rock-- :) You here 3 hour--you Go NOW!
If you are a band and would like to leave an advertisement on my page- Please go to my music page (See my music page FRIDAY The 13th- in my top list) This is my personal page and if I do not know you or have not had any conversation with you--I won't post it in my comments..sorry! This is for Friends.:)

My Interests

I LOVE my two 35mm cameras. I have a very old 20 lb. metal Vivitar 220/SL, I believe it to be from the 1970's. I have extra lenses and filters too! Yay baby! If you're nice I'll let you view my Vivitar photos I have hanging and around my house! And a newer Canon Rebel
Anything educational. I enjoy teaching. I like being in control of BIG things. I'm very shy. But oddly enough I do well in group situations..if I'm the BOSS :)No doubt! It's great therapy. I'm a creative person. I've got ideas running through my head 24/7.LARGE GADGETS-

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet you, Hrrmm Maybe, maybe not. The Jetsons. I'd really like to meet Booji Boy one day! I'd even marry him..


Lots-I'm a big girl with a big musical appetite..haha I love just about all of it. I'll listen to anything..well, I'm not into Country music..Haha But yah..if the music makes me feel something..anything..I'll listen to it. I prefer listening to music than watching Tv. I LOVE listening to tunz with my headphones cranked! I'm doing that right now actually! :-)AND I love to create!! Here are some videos I made. What a fun challenge!


Falling Down, Enemy Mine, Friday, Driving Miss Daisy, Austin Powers, Powder...Tron, Borat- "Let's make sexy time"..hahaCheck out my FrankenFish below!


National Geographic, History Channel-Anything WWII related, Discovery Channel, SciFi-Ghost Hunters,Discovery Health-Skeleton Stories, PBS- Image Union, Front Line,[i]ndependent Lens.. Court TV, Forensic Files, Detective shows- First 48 Hours, Dr. G Medical Examiner..Etc..drama/crime/mystery..I like figuring things out. I do like comedies. South Park rocks! Eddie Izzard- Kenny vs. Spenny


My computer books, Books about Dreams..and any decent Horror Book..Spritual books by: Deepak Chopra "Way of The Wizard" is my favorite one.. I'm more of a Newspaper, Articles..Magazine, Manual type person.


Me- I'm the closest person I know that I can depend on, look up to, etc.and even then sometimes I screw that up. But hey--best to depend and think of yourself as the Hero-cause hell why let others let you down..right? And my family (my parents, my brothers and sister) who would have thought we'd come so far? Haha- Heros come in different shapes and sizes.

My Blog

Baby Boy

Awww...My baby boy--Peanut..Jake is really hanging out with me today.I think his eyes are bothering him. But geeez, he sure knows where I'am when there is food involved..hahaha he is like a little pig...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:52:00 PST

Im a Fool-

*Sigh* Funny how songs seems to come back into your life and seem to make even more sense later. ;)For The City-Goin' to the city, got you on my mind,Country sure is pretty, I'll leave it all behind, ...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 06:17:00 PST

Whats next on my agenda?’s downloading as I type this....dooot dooot doooot... :)
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 12:59:00 PST

Hair Products

On a silly but serious side note--haha I got myself a new toothbrush yesterday. I love new toothbrushes. Once again I bought myself a new shampoo product--to test. Well, I say "Test" cause the stuff n...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 01:22:00 PST

My ex student

As I was out and about this morning I ran into my ex ESL student.I talked to her daughter Daisy and asked her if her mom was still doing the schooling after I left. Daisy said "Yes, she is still goin...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST

Human Body: Pushing The Limits

Discovery Channel.Human Body: Pushing The Limits.They have a variety of 1 hour episodes of cool stuff.Brainpower:The driving force behind every one of us is the most powerful organ in the natural wor...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Tue, 11 Mar 2008 06:17:00 PST

Cigarette Rolling

Ok, so I thought I'd start rolling my own now that they raised the price of cigarettes up $1.00. They claim the increase is for medical costs and to make it more difficult for young people to afford t...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 08:43:00 PST

This lady walks into a Food Pantry-

I went over to the church aka food pantry this morning. I first seen a sign on one of the doors that said "Day Care and Food Pantry / This Door - Lower Level"...So, I go inside and see more signs po...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:24:00 PST

I miss this game

I miss you Hugo!
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 07:38:00 PST

Rolling= TOP rolling papers and tabacco

Ok, now that the cost of cigarettes has gone up as of January 1st- I've decided to start rolling my own. Here is the break down-Carton of cigarettes from Walgreens=  $42.00  (200 cigare...
Posted by FRI13th Diana The Birthday Girl!!! on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 08:23:00 PST