I LOVE my two 35mm cameras. I have a very old 20 lb. metal Vivitar 220/SL, I believe it to be from the 1970's.
I have extra lenses and filters too! Yay baby! If you're nice I'll let you view my Vivitar photos I have hanging and around my house!
And a newer Canon Rebel
Anything educational.
I enjoy teaching. I like being in control of BIG things.
I'm very shy. But oddly enough I do well in group situations..if I'm the BOSS :)No doubt! It's great therapy.
I'm a creative person. I've got ideas running through my head 24/7.LARGE GADGETS-
I'd like to meet you, Hrrmm Maybe, maybe not.
The Jetsons.
I'd really like to meet Booji Boy one day! I'd even marry him..
Lots-I'm a big girl with a big musical appetite..haha I love just about all of it. I'll listen to anything..well, I'm not into Country music..Haha But yah..if the music makes me feel something..anything..I'll listen to it. I prefer listening to music than watching Tv. I LOVE listening to tunz with my headphones cranked! I'm doing that right now actually! :-)AND I love to create!! Here are some videos I made. What a fun challenge!
Falling Down, Enemy Mine, Friday, Driving Miss Daisy, Austin Powers, Powder...Tron, Borat- "Let's make sexy time"..hahaCheck out my FrankenFish below!
National Geographic, History Channel-Anything WWII related, Discovery Channel, SciFi-Ghost Hunters,Discovery Health-Skeleton Stories, PBS- Image Union, Front Line,[i]ndependent Lens.. Court TV, Forensic Files, Detective shows- First 48 Hours, Dr. G Medical Examiner..Etc..drama/crime/mystery..I like figuring things out. I do like comedies. South Park rocks! Eddie Izzard- Kenny vs. Spenny
My computer books, Books about Dreams..and any decent Horror Book..Spritual books by: Deepak Chopra "Way of The Wizard" is my favorite one.. I'm more of a Newspaper, Articles..Magazine, Manual type person.
Me- I'm the closest person I know that I can depend on, look up to, etc.and even then sometimes I screw that up. But hey--best to depend and think of yourself as the Hero-cause hell why let others let you down..right? And my family (my parents, my brothers and sister) who would have thought we'd come so far? Haha- Heros come in different shapes and sizes.