People who like to sing, make new friends, laugh, sing, dance, flirt, and smile. If you think you are too old for all this crap now, just wait 'til yer 80!
All kinds. Really. If I don't like it, it probably says more about my ability to appreciate a music form than it does about the music form itself. That being said, anything you can dance to or sing along with means good times. I was a child of the 80's, so there is a soft spot for all that goodness, as well as that ancient genre called "electronica/techno"
yes. esp on TV. see below.
all the time. really, all the time. it's humming and endless drivel soothes me. come home from a gig, put on some Family Guy, Google my news, HZAH!!!!!!MAKE SURE TO CLICK ON THE PICS AND VIDEO LINKS right below my main profile pic.. THERE ARE TONS of GALLERIES of PHOTOS and 70+MOVIES for ya to CHECK OUT.... way more than what is on this page! Leave some comments and rate the videos.. let me know I am not wasting my time doing all this!
Not so much anymore. Seems like magazines and the web make up about 95% of my reading; most likely because of the tech/culture type of info I consume, timeliness matters. By the time it would be in a book it is probably old news. Not to say I don't love good sci-fi or concepts in print from self-actualization to activism or even a good philosophical or political indulgence once in a while, but hey let's face it - even most of that I get from the web anymore.
my heroes have always been cowboys. Not really, that's just a song. Einstein quotes are on my wall, but more of admiration for his quotables than "hero". Anyone striving to be honest with themselves and are found of concepts like the pursuit of happiness work for me. Strive to better yourself and to make a positive change in the world on whatever level your influence will allow. Never treat anyone in a way that you would not want to be treated yourself. Then you can be your own hero. MAKE SURE TO CLICK ON THE PICS AND VIDEO LINKS right below my main profile pic.. THERE ARE TONS of GALLERIES of PHOTOS and 50+MOVIES for ya to CHECK OUT.... way more than what is on this page! Leave some comments and rate the videos.. let me know I am not wasting my time doing all this!