Well. In general I'm interested in people.
I don't think anything is as interesting as other folk.
I'm interested in the world around me. The immediate and the bigger badder world, it's all pretty fascinating if you stop and think about it.
I like taking it easy. I dislike complications. I like being around my family and my friends. Most of all I just like being alive. It can be a wonderful world and it's nice to know that I'm lucky enough to be a part of it.
Oh, and I like being pissed and shit on by complete strangers.
I would like to meet Adolf Hitler so I could sit on him, grab his hands and make him punch himself in the face while I said "Stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself" over and over.
A punch for each Jew he killed.
If I could throw a dinner party I would invite Albert Einstein, Jesus, He-Man, Martin Scorcese and Skeletor. Then I would spend the entire night going "Look He-Man and Skeletor, can't we just have one nice night without you two trying to kill each other? Now sit down and eat your lasagne, Einstein spent hours slaving over a hot cooker."
Boom boom shake shake the room. And all that jazz. But not actual jazz, almost anything but because jazz is shit.
I like the one with the guy, when he does that thing and the girl is all like "Hello".Brilliant movie. ***** out of *****
I like my television machine when it's showing car chases or naked ladies or Worlds Most Whatever videos.
No matter how many times I read a book it always ends the same way. Damn you bears, when are you actually going to maul or/and have sex with that damn Goldilocks?
One of these days I hope.
Martin Luther King Jr. - What a man. What a martyr.
Malcolm X - You died to soon brother.
Nelson Mandela - You might have been a terrorist but I love you. RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE!
Batman - Saves Gotham City from the underworld. THANK YOU BATMAN!